Latest news for March 15, 2023


If you ignore the need to clean your iron for a long time, the consequences will not be long in coming.

Elena Shimanovskaya iron ironing cleaning cleaning vinegar Useful tips

While it can be said with certainty that everyone without exception loves fruit drinks, the attitude towards pieces of fruit and berries floating in a glass is diametrically opposed.

Elena Shimanovskaya drink berries fruits cooking cooking board Cooking

First, you need to choose a container. Even a standard sour cream cup with a capacity of 300 to 400 ml will do. The lid should be transparent.

Olga Kotova flowers plants seedling growing Garden and Vegetable Garden
Woman with a rabbit

Darius the rabbit was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest, or rather, longest rabbit in the world.

Elena Shimanovskaya rabbit animals record dimensions Records and anti-records

Smart gardeners fertilize strawberries once in the spring, and then collect tasty and sweet berries throughout the season.

Elena Gutyro plants fertilizer top dressing strawberry berries Garden and Vegetable Garden
Heart from hands

In principle, there is nothing wrong with the fact that past relationships have not yet left your head and heart. True, only if the breakup happened recently.

Elena Shimanovskaya Love parting women men relationship signs People and Events

It is hard for lovers of purring fluffy kittens to believe that a cat is capable of such a thing. But in fact, this is a real fact. An animal is capable of eating its own offspring.

Olga Kotova pets animals cats cats Pets
Garden, trees

Trees often die from damage or lesions to the bark. But a few simple procedures can help save the plants.

Olga Kotova trees tree now means Garden and Vegetable Garden
Dog Puppy

A dog toy should be safe and durable - how to make the right choice.

Igor Zur dog toy safety board purchase Pets
A bowl of soup

Housewives resort to all sorts of tricks to make a delicious and rich pea soup-puree.

Elena Shimanovskaya soup pea trick cooking cooking Cooking

Three rose fertilizers for lush and bright flowering - we start as soon as the snow melts.

Igor Zur flowers fertilizer care country house roses Garden and Vegetable Garden

Now the problem can be solved easily and simply. Baking soda and vinegar will help with this.

Elena Gutyro washing soda vinegar washing machine Useful tips

Lavender is a beautiful plant that has an incredible aroma and a pleasant color. Therefore, summer residents are happy to decorate their plots with such flowers.

Olga Kotova lavender flowers plants now Garden and Vegetable Garden

Despite the cat's reluctance to perform various commands, this does not mean that the animal cannot be trained.

Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets intelligence Pets