We explain why you should only pour cold water into the kettle.
Timur Khomichev kettle boiling boiling water rules for boiling water Useful tips 12 March 2024Cat owners were told why the water bowl should be kept away from the food bowl.
Igor Zur vet for cat Tips for cat owners cat behavior cat health Pets 11 March 2024Most housewives do not take boiling eggs seriously, considering this task to be a piece of cake.
Elena Shimanovskaya eggs how to boil eggs boiled eggs hard boiled eggs Cooking 11 March 2024Even the most careful cooks occasionally encounter such a nuisance as pieces of shell getting into a container with a raw egg.
Kurchev Anton chicken eggs eggshell methods tricks Useful tips 8 March 2024Luckily, there is one little trick that will help you get rid of hunger for a long time without eating a lot of food.
Kurchev Anton weight loss easy weight loss tricks eating food Diets 8 March 2024Scientists have found out which water is healthier – tap or bottled.
Igor Zur health condition plastic bottle research by scientists tap water Beauty and health 8 March 2024The nutritionist urged people to follow the golden rule when consuming the required amount of water per day.
Igor Zur healthy eating useful tips and life hacks Dietitian's advice myths Diets 7 March 2024Everyone knows how important it is to maintain water balance and drink the required amount of clean water every day. Experts recommend choosing warm water.
Olga Kotova drink healthy drinks health good habits Beauty and health 27 February 2024The Ruki River, a tributary of the great African Congo River, has been recognized as the darkest river on Earth.
Elena Shimanovskaya a river color tea dark river the darkest river Records and anti-records 23 February 2024Is it worth boiling water in a kettle several times and what do experts say?
Igor Zur boiling water re-boiling useful substances mistakes Beauty and health 23 February 2024In some cases, the problem may lie in non-compliance with the drinking regime.
Olga Kotova excess weight figure health doctor's advice Diets 20 February 2024The veterinarian said that cats refuse to drink water from a bowl not because they are being mean, but because of instinct.
Igor Zur cat behavior cat in the apartment vet for cat Tips for cat owners Pets 19 February 2024Over time, the aquarium turns into a closed biotope, a comfortable environment for fish in which is maintained by bacteria, nitrifiers and other beneficial microorganisms.
Elena Shimanovskaya aquarium changing water in aquarium water for aquarium pets Pets 14 February 2024If you want to get rid of excess weight, then you should not only remember about proper nutrition and physical activity, but it is also important to drink enough water every day.
Olga Kotova healthy weight loss weight loss excess weight health Beauty and health 5 February 2024Of course, the most reliable way to analyze water quality is to have it tested in a specialized laboratory.
Elena Shimanovskaya well water water from a well water quality how to check water quality Useful tips 2 February 2024Everyone knows that it is important to maintain water balance in order to feel good and for the body to function normally. However, it is important to take into account the nuances that many forget about.
Olga Kotova drink health doctor's advice Beauty and health 30 January 2024Pasta is considered an easy-to-cook side dish. In fact, it is very easy to ruin the taste of the dish.
Kurchev Anton pasta how to cook pasta culinary mistakes tips for housewives Cooking 25 January 2024Let's note right away that rice water is not the first time that it has become a trend among various beauty bloggers.
Dmitry Liskovich rice rice water skin benefits of rice water Beauty and health 24 January 2024Does it matter where the cat's food bowl is located? Many owners of furry creatures think that it doesn't. And in vain!
Kurchev Anton cats cat bowl food Tips for cat owners Pets 24 January 2024Many people think that boiling eggs is a very simple process. In fact, this culinary procedure has important nuances.
Kurchev Anton boiled eggs temperature chicken eggs culinary mistakes Cooking 23 January 2024