Not everyone knows how to properly whiten sports shoes.
Marina Michalap tips for housewives Useful tips 5 October 2024Sneakers or trainers with white soles look very impressive. But there is a problem: the side part of such shoes quickly loses its snow-whiteness.
Kurchev Anton life hacks household tricks Useful tips 20 July 2024Not everyone knows how to tidy up white sports shoes.
Marina Michalap shoe care shoes tips for housewives Useful tips 18 June 2024White sneakers and trainers look very beautiful. Many people want to have such shoes in their “collection”.
Kurchev Anton sneakers lemon juice water Useful tips 13 June 2024If white sneakers or any other light-colored shoes are worn out, this is not a reason to throw them away.
Elena Shimanovskaya shoes shoe cleaning cleaning agent Useful tips 2 June 2024