If you inherited an old bathtub from the previous owners along with your country house, don’t rush to get rid of it.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom pond water Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 November 2024Have time to cover the artificial pond with a fine mesh before September 1.
Kurchev Anton pond network tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 August 2024A pond is not only beautiful, but also useful.
Elena Shimanovskaya pond plot water water Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 May 2024Many gardeners and vegetable growers consider a pond to be an unnecessary element of a country plot. And in vain.
Kurchev Anton country house pest control water for irrigation advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 April 2024Water bodies are increasingly becoming a decoration of the garden plot, but if you really want to bring some zest to the garden and get peace from contemplating the pond, it is worth playing it up properly.
Elena Shimanovskaya water pond plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 April 2024While a small pond in the country can be easily drained, a large body of water cannot be dealt with so easily.
Dmitry Liskovich pond water winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 January 2024Unfortunately, not all areas have ponds, which affects the quality of the ecosystem at the dacha.
Dmitry Liskovich pond country house birds birds at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 December 2023