Researchers have proven that coffee can cause dehydration, particularly when consumed in excess.
Sergey Tumanov Top news drinks coffee health Diets 17 July 2024There is nothing more suitable for swimming than places officially designated for this purpose.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathing safe swimming places for swimming water People and Events 17 July 2024You need to make a cooling compress. By the way, it's very simple.
Kurchev Anton how to cool down in the heat wet towel methods self-esteem Beauty and health 17 July 2024According to experts, it is better to drink filtered raw water than boiled water.
Timur Khomichev boiled water harm of boiled water warm water cold water Beauty and health 16 July 2024There is a specific list of healthy refreshing drinks that you can safely consume in the heat.
Igor Zur maintain health wound healthy drinks harm of sugar the strangest drinks Beauty and health 16 July 2024We explain why you should only pour cold water into the kettle.
Timur Khomichev hot water boiling hot water boiling water rules for boiling water Useful tips 15 July 2024For some plants, overwatering is certain death.
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor plants indoor flowers hydrogen peroxide iridescent colors Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 July 2024Every parent should be aware that there are a number of cases when it is necessary to give the child additional water.
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children child drink drinking water Children 11 July 2024Do you have to wash your floors too often because the cleaning results do not last long? Then you should definitely pay attention to one interesting life hack!
Kurchev Anton house cleaning floor washing life hacks with glycerin essential oil Useful tips 8 July 2024The doctor told how to maintain heart health in hot weather.
Igor Zur doctor's advice heart health doctors wound Beauty and health 5 July 2024The product consists of water, salt and vinegar.
Kurchev Anton weeds how to fight weeds weed killer table salt Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 July 2024The answer to this question is very simple – drinking hot water is good for you.
Timur Khomichev China hot water drinking hot water benefits of hot water China News Useful tips 2 July 2024Tomatoes need to be watered quite often. But what should a summer resident do if he or she does not have the opportunity to visit the country plot once every 2 days?
Kurchev Anton tomatoes plastic bottle watering tomatoes advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 July 2024Dumplings should not be placed in either cold or boiling water.
Kurchev Anton dumplings cooking dumplings trick water temperature Cooking 2 July 2024If you want to relax on the beach in the summer with your four-legged friend, but the dog is terrified of water, you need to do the following.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals fear of water dog bathing Pets 28 June 2024The process of losing weight is usually associated with a sharp reduction in the caloric content of the diet. In fact, you don’t need to starve to become slim.
Kurchev Anton weight loss easy weight loss healthy weight loss berries Diets 28 June 2024It turns out that the liquid helps solve one common problem.
Kurchev Anton smell in the refrigerator baking soda life hacks tips for housewives Useful tips 28 June 2024Not all gardeners, especially those who are just starting out in this direction, know what temperature water is best for watering plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya watering water temperature water for irrigation watering the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 June 2024If laboratory analysis shows the presence of contaminants, it is necessary to install a water filtration and purification system.
Sergey Tumanov Top news well quality life hacks Useful tips 24 June 2024Probably every person has ever been concerned with the question: what kind of water is suitable for washing vegetables and fruits?
Elena Shimanovskaya vegetables and fruits food products washing fruits washing vegetables Useful tips 22 June 2024