Ficus does not like frequent moves - choose a permanent place, otherwise it will shed its leaves in protest.
Igor Zur indoor plants ficus care tips for flower growers housewives mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025The growth of plants in the garden and vegetable garden is impossible without a number of “procedures”, which include, among other things, watering.
Elena Shimanovskaya watering watering the garden water water quality Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 January 2025Fermented milk drink is a source of components important for young plants.
Kurchev Anton pepper seedlings tomato seedlings kefir advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 January 2025Watering such a rather capricious plant as aloe must be approached wisely.
Elena Shimanovskaya aloe watering indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 January 2025The solution to the problem depends on the reason for the drying of the leaves.
Kurchev Anton spathiphyllum indoor plants top dressing sunlight Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 January 2025If you want to stimulate plant growth, improve flowering, and help the beneficial bacteria living in the soil, replace regular irrigation water with rice water.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants watering water rice water Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 January 2025Summer residents were reminded of three important rules for watering cucumber seedlings.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners cucumber seedlings increasing the yield of cucumbers growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 January 2025Boiled potatoes? Don't rush to pour the liquid in the pan into the sink!
Kurchev Anton boiled potatoes potato broth top dressing advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 December 2024In just 1-1.5 months, summer residents will begin planting seeds and caring for young plants.
Kurchev Anton seedling growing seedlings rice water advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 December 2024Even with regular care and attention, houseplants sometimes decide to die.
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor plants indoor flowers watering how to water flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2024The water left over from boiling eggs can be used to water indoor plants.
Timur Khomichev eggs water indoor plants fertilizing indoor plants Useful tips 23 August 2024In August, some crops still need abundant watering, while others can no longer be watered.
Timur Khomichev watering watering the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 July 2024Many gardeners are convinced that daytime watering can cause serious harm to garden and vegetable crops.
Kurchev Anton danger advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 July 2024The heat that has set in recently in many regions is forcing summer residents to change their watering strategy.
Kurchev Anton summer cottage wound mistakes advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 July 2024We will tell you about the three main rules for effective watering of plants.
Timur Khomichev watering watering the garden plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 July 2024Not everyone knows what watering mistakes can ruin a money tree.
Marina Michalap money tree indoor plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2024