Before talking about the need to lose weight, it is worth remembering that obesity is only considered when the body mass index is greater than 30.
Elena Shimanovskaya excess weight weight loss motivation for weight loss diets and nutrition Diets 28 February 2024When creating a training plan, specially trained trainers take into account the unique structure and individual characteristics inherent in any organism.
Elena Shimanovskaya workouts mistakes in training how to train properly training results Diets 27 February 2024Although head tilting in animals has never been scientifically studied, dog behaviorists have a number of theories about why dogs sometimes tilt their heads when spoken to.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets and animals dog behavior Pets 23 February 2024Cats are one of the most popular pets that give us humans their love and affection, but sometimes their behavior can be confusing.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets and animals cat behavior Pets 6 February 2024If you constantly want something sweet or salty, this indicates a malfunction in the body.
Olga Kotova sweets food products harmful products health Diets 31 January 2024The appearance of green plaque on the walls of the aquarium is caused by the growth of a number of algae, such as Euglena viridis, Oedogonium filamentosa and Xenococcus.
Elena Shimanovskaya aquarium pets the aquarium turns green why does the aquarium turn green Pets 24 January 2024If you sometimes want to eat something salty, then there is no problem. But if such a desire bothers you too often, then this is a cause for concern.
Olga Kotova salt products food products health Diets 23 January 2024Many people know that winter is not the best time to start renovations.
Sergey Tumanov winter home renovation prohibitions folk signs People and Events 21 January 2024Most likely, your four-legged friend is experiencing stress, hunger, or excess energy.
Kurchev Anton dog chews shoes problems facts about dogs Tips for dog owners Pets 20 January 2024Recently the cat was active and tried to interact with the owner more often, and now it hides? This is a clear cause for concern.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior the cat is hiding facts about cats Pets 19 January 2024You can often hear the phrase: “Starting Monday, my life will change dramatically.”
Sergey Tumanov calendar new things to do prohibitions folk signs People and Events 14 January 2024Even if you are confident in your dog's love and devotion, this does not mean that it cannot run away from you.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals pets escape why do dogs run away Pets 13 January 2024Just imagine: you bought a leaf or a whole stalk of violet, fiddled with it for a long time, and when the plant finally produced buds, it turned out that they had nothing in common with the variety you so passionately dreamed of.
Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet indoor violet violet bloom bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2024If you've ever wondered why your cat literally follows you everywhere, including the bathroom, you'll probably be interested to know the reasons for this unusual behavior of the animal.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals pets bathroom Pets 11 January 2024Sometimes, to their chagrin, summer residents notice that the upper leaves of tomatoes have become very curled.
Elena Shimanovskaya tomatoes garden leaves tomato leaves Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2024Despite all its unpretentiousness, dill can grow poorly.
Kurchev Anton dill growing dill problems advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2024For bright and lush flowering, roses need proper care, including watering, nutrition, lighting, shelter, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses flowers bloom wild rose Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2024The consequences of water dripping from the ceiling in the cellar are the most unfortunate: increased humidity, corrosion of metals and, of course, spoilage of food.
Elena Shimanovskaya funeral cellar at the dacha water in the cellar there is water in the cellar what to do Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 January 2024Tulle on the window is designed to protect from the sun and prying eyes. Moreover, the presence of curtains makes the window, and the whole room, more aesthetic.
Elena Shimanovskaya tulle curtains yellowed tulle yellow curtains Useful tips 2 January 2024Every year, with the beginning of the summer cottage season, many gardeners and vegetable growers have a question: why do some seeds not germinate?
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling seeds seeds seedlings Why didn't the seeds sprout? Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 January 2024