One of the main reasons for mold to appear in pots is high humidity (due to frequent watering) and low temperature.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news house windowsill plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 January 2025Finding mold in a pot with your favorite flower can be an unpleasant surprise. Mold not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but can also harm its health. It is important to take timely measures to eliminate this problem and prevent its recurrence.
Sergey Tumanov indoor plants indoor flowers Fighting mold get rid of mold Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 January 2025If there were any violations when storing dollars or euros, you will most likely encounter mold on the banknotes.
Elena Shimanovskaya dollar banknote money deal with mold Useful tips 4 January 2025To prevent mold from forming in your washing machine, you should periodically turn on the self-cleaning mode.
Timur Khomichev washing machine washing machine cleaning the washing machine cleaning the washing machine Useful tips 24 December 2024People who want to keep food fresh for a long time usually use a cellar to store their harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya funeral cellar storage harvest vegetables and fruits Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 December 2024If you have been struggling with mold in your bathroom or other rooms of your home for a long time, but still cannot cope with this problem, try resorting to the help of indoor plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom air humidity indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 December 2024Eating moldy foods can cause serious health problems.
Timur Khomichev products food products proper nutrition Beauty and health 28 November 2024Mold is not only an aesthetic problem. It can seriously harm the health of people living in the apartment.
Elena Shimanovskaya mold on the walls mold in the apartment folk remedies get rid of mold Useful tips 16 November 2024Many people take advantage of the opportunity to save money by visiting second-hand stores, flea markets, hand-to-hand classifieds sites, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya carpet purchase carpets insects People and Events 29 October 2024Some common things cannot be stored in the bathroom.
Marina Michalap bathroom bathroom storage tips for housewives Useful tips 24 October 2024The main reason why it is recommended not to close the door of the washing machine is to avoid condensation in the drum.
Sergey Tumanov washing machine washing machine door devices the rules Useful tips 23 October 2024Not everyone knows whether it is worth leaving the washing machine door open between washes.
Marina Michalap washing machine household appliances unpleasant smell Useful tips 22 October 2024Not everyone knows how to combat mold with essential oils and hydrogen peroxide.
Marina Michalap mold on the walls using peroxide Useful tips 23 September 2024You will probably be at least surprised when you learn about the existence of a life hack with rice in the washing machine.
Elena Shimanovskaya rice groats washing machine household appliances musty smell Useful tips 14 September 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why mold can appear in flower pots.
Marina Michalap indoor plants indoor flowers Useful tips 14 September 2024To save money, many housewives buy cheese in bulk on special offer. In addition, sometimes there is a small piece of uneaten cheese or the remains of a cheese plate after a feast left in the refrigerator.
Elena Shimanovskaya cheese cheese storage culinary tricks Cooking 12 September 2024Not everyone knows how to deal with mold in the house using simple and affordable means.
Marina Michalap mold in the apartment deal with mold Useful tips 31 August 2024Not everyone knows how to remove mold stains from clothes.
Marina Michalap spots secrets of washing Useful tips 29 August 2024If mold appears on bread, there is no need to try to save it.
Timur Khomichev bread mold on bread eating bread moldy bread Beauty and health 22 August 2024Not everyone knows how to deal with mold in the bathroom.
Marina Michalap mold in the bathroom deal with mold tips for housewives Useful tips 16 August 2024