Collecting is a hobby that is extremely widespread.
No matter what a person collects: candy wrappers, seashells, refrigerator magnets or antiques, the main reason they do it is because it is fun.
No matter what is going on in life at the moment – perhaps difficulties in a relationship or at work – collectors can set clearly defined and achievable goals for themselves.

Their implementation brings a sense of satisfaction to the owners of the collections.
There is pleasure in both the hunt for the item on your wish list and in showing off your collection to others.
Besides this, there are several other reasons that can explain the passion for collecting.
These include the expression of belonging, for example, to a particular football team, which is felt by a person who collects match programmes. In this case, the collection makes the person part of a larger community.
A collector can also be driven by nostalgia if he collects items associated with the past.
However, among psychologists there is an opinion that the collection should be considered as compensation for the lack of relationships or a way in which a person tries to cope with existential anxieties.
Earlier we talked about how to identify a stupid person .