When communicating with relatives, friends and colleagues, people do not very often pronounce the names of these interlocutors.
And it’s in vain, because it’s difficult to find a common language with a person if you address him exclusively as “you” or “you”.
Periodically say the name of your interlocutor when talking to him.

Following this simple recommendation increases the chances that communication will not be accompanied by difficulties.
There are three reasons why this psychological trick works.
The name attracts attention
Want someone to start listening to you attentively? Call them by name loudly!
In this case, the interlocutor will focus on the conversation and will not want to be distracted by the smartphone.
Saying a name shows interest
If you call your interlocutor by name when asking his opinion on a particular issue, you show that receiving an answer is very important to you.
This approach helps to ensure that the person begins to like you.
People like to hear their name
And one more reason: a person who hears his own name will most likely feel better.
This effect occurs in most cases. However, we should not forget that there are people who do not like their name.
Earlier we named 5 signs that a person does not love himself.