The doctor spoke about the most common mistakes parents make when treating runny noses in children.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes children's health runny nose medical advice parents and children 3 February 2025Sometimes parents are completely at a loss when their child has a tantrum.
Elena Shimanovskaya child the child is crying hysterics children's tantrums raising children 3 February 2025Children growing up in sterile conditions are more likely to get sick, catch colds, and develop intestinal diseases.
Igor Zur children's health Advice to parents cleaning the apartment and cleanliness bacteria strengthen the immune system 31 January 2025During the experiment, two Xbox Kinect cameras were in operation, recording how the children copied the dance moves of the avatar on the screen.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news modern children games scientists autism 31 January 2025Adolescence is a time of experimentation and searching for one’s “self”.
Elena Shimanovskaya child teenager tattoo piercing appearance 30 January 2025Parents do not need to come up with new entertainment for their children every day, but it is necessary to teach them to play with toys.
Igor Zur raising children games for kids children's toys Advice to parents child development 30 January 2025The main goal of motivation is to increase the child’s interest in acquiring knowledge, but parents forget about this.
Igor Zur children and parents raising children Parents' mistakes motivation children and study 30 January 2025Many parents, sometimes completely unexpectedly for themselves, are faced with the problem of children's tantrums related to clothing.
Elena Shimanovskaya child the child is crying hysterics children's tantrums children's clothing 29 January 2025Five things that will teach a child to be happy - they won't tell you about this at school.
Igor Zur Advice to parents child development secrets of happiness psychological stability raising children 29 January 2025A nutritionist has named dangerous products for children - they cause addiction, obesity and problems with the endocrine system.
Igor Zur healthy eating Dietitian's advice children's health harmful products addiction 29 January 2025Mothers whose children are breastfed do not have to worry about feeding their babies, because there is always food for them.
Elena Shimanovskaya child milk baby nutrition child health feeding 28 January 2025Parents who surround them with overprotection are to blame for the fact that children grow up mentally weak.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents mistakes of education child psychology child development 28 January 2025Scientists have found that in matters of a child's development, much depends on the blood type of the father and mother.
Igor Zur research by scientists blood group child development Advice to parents talent 28 January 2025Gloves or mittens – almost as eternal a question as to be or not to be.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children gloves children's clothing council mom dad 27 January 2025Narcissistic parents should reconsider their relationship with their child, otherwise they will have to spend their old age in front of the TV.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children children and parents narcissist man family happiness 27 January 2025Even experts agree that only those who constantly do what brings them joy can be happy.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children happiness in life child development children and parents 27 January 2025If a child is faced with a lack of parental love, it will seriously affect his personality.
Kurchev Anton child parents and children Love psychology human behavior 26 January 2025Frequent use of certain dangerous “educational” phrases by parents makes children feel insecure and indecisive.
Kurchev Anton child behavior parents and children Parents' phrases Parents' mistakes Advice to parents 25 January 2025Young parents face many challenges, and one of them is choosing bedding for the new member of their family.
Elena Shimanovskaya underwear bed sheets child baby bedding 24 January 2025Has your child received another "F" at school? Don't punish your child!
Kurchev Anton children and study school parents and children knowledge Advice to parents 24 January 2025