It has been proven by scientists and psychologists: every hour spent on social networks robs children of the ability to dream.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and study using a smartphone child development scientific research 19 February 2025Teens love graphic novels and manga—they're not "bad literature" but a bridge to reading.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children children and reading child development tricks 19 February 2025Aggression and isolation often mask fear - teenagers are afraid that they will not be understood, judged or compared with others.
Igor Zur Advice to parents education of teenagers family relationships child psychology trust in relationships 19 February 2025What to do with your child after school that will benefit the future.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents child development games for kids child psychology 19 February 2025Children respond better to short signals or choices - feeling in control, the child is more likely to agree with the parent.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children's whims raising children tricks child psychology 19 February 2025You've been reading fairy tales for two hours, singing lullabies and promising "the last five minutes", and your child is still jumping on the bed?
Valeria Kisternaya a dream children board child 19 February 2025Does your child not share toys, demand expensive gadgets and slam the door when you ask for help?
Elena Shimanovskaya egoism upbringing raising children Advice to parents spoiled child 19 February 2025You stand in a store with a smile on your face while your three-year-old hands the clerk his money and whispers a memorized "thank you."
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children parents Parents' phrases raising children child 19 February 2025Perfectionist parents, stop!
Valeria Kisternaya psychology upbringing children child parents 18 February 2025Interactive toys with robot or animal sounds overload the nervous system, making children hyperactive.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children's toys children's health child safety games 18 February 2025Some tips for parents to help them cope with their children's tantrums.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents hysterics child psychology negative emotions 18 February 2025Every day you say dozens of phrases that seem harmless.
Elena Shimanovskaya phrases Parents' phrases dangerous phrases Advice to parents communication with a child 18 February 2025Are you sure that your three-year-old reciting poetry and solving equations is a source of pride and not a hidden threat to his future?
Elena Shimanovskaya child child development council mom dad development raising children 18 February 2025Many parents don't even realize what their children are really talking about.
Igor Zur education of teenagers Parents' mistakes child psychology words and phrases communication of children 17 February 2025It has been proven that among millionaires, 40% were average students in school, and 15% were poor students.
Igor Zur children and study parents and children Advice to parents mistakes in education secrets of success 17 February 2025Most parents use expressions on a daily basis that turn their children into anxious losers.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes child development self-esteem issues words and phrases 17 February 2025Dictatorial parents don't even suspect that their vocabulary is a weapon of mass destruction.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children education of teenagers Parents' mistakes child psychology 17 February 2025"He smashed his phone against the wall when I turned off the Wi-Fi," tweeted the mother of 10-year-old Tom from California.
Elena Shimanovskaya gadgets child and gadgets child council mom dad psyche 17 February 2025Is your child declaring war on broccoli? Don't rush to hide the vegetables in puree.
Elena Shimanovskaya child nutrition council mom dad baby food food 17 February 2025Every mother wants to create a safe and cozy space for her baby. But how to choose the right device among the many options?
Elena Shimanovskaya newborns child baby sleep goods for children council mom dad 17 February 2025