Gadgets are convenient and, if used wisely, open up a sea of possibilities for anyone.
But scientists are not consoled by this fact. Here is what was found out in the course of the conducted research.
It has been proven by scientists and psychologists that every hour spent on TikTok and other social networks robs children of the ability to dream.

But prohibitions don’t work – they only increase addiction.
How to stop this
Instead, create a “digital detox.” Have a screen-free day: play board games, hike, cook together.
Show that the real world is brighter than Instagram filters.
For toddlers, use "smart limits." Agree: 30 minutes of cartoons = 30 minutes of modeling or reading.
Offer teenagers an "exchange": an hour on YouTube equals one hour of walking the dog.
And most importantly, set an example. If you're on your phone while you eat dinner, your kids will follow suit.
Start small: charging without a phone, family dinner with a gadget basket by the door. In a month, they will notice how their habits have changed.
Remember: gadgets are not the enemy, but a tool.
Teach your kids how to use them to their advantage: video editing, game programming, online courses. Show them that technology can be creative, not an escape from reality.
This is the most practical example that will not only help the child develop his abilities, but also pave the way for the future.