The chef told how to make classic syrniki - there is one nuance that you might not know about.
Igor Zur cooking products tips for housewives culinary secrets Cooking 17 January 2025The chef told how to make aromatic cheese pancakes with cheese filling.
Igor Zur cooking ideas tips for housewives cottage cheese dishes Cooking 20 November 2024The cook told how to make cheesecakes with pumpkin - bright and aromatic.
Igor Zur cooking ideas pumpkin recipe tips for housewives interesting recipes Cooking 27 September 2024An easy way to improve the classic syrniki recipe is to add a spoonful of sour cream.
Igor Zur cooking culinary secrets tips for housewives cream Cooking 25 September 2024This version of syrniki is definitely better than the traditional version made from cottage cheese.
Igor Zur cooking cooking ideas Chef's Tips Society 16 September 2024Few people know about a quality recipe for cheesecakes made from granular cottage cheese with sour cream.
Marina Michalap cottage cheese pancakes how to make syrniki breakfast recipes Cooking 14 September 2024Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" Yulia Arkhipova, a cook and fourth-class baker, told how to prepare unusual cheesecakes with green onions and dill.
Igor Zur cooking ideas Chef's Tips delicious recipes Cooking 11 September 2024We will tell you a simple recipe for delicious, tender and ruddy cheesecakes.
Timur Khomichev syrniki delicious cheesecakes making syrniki Cooking 27 August 2024Not everyone knows how to make cheesecakes without eggs.
Marina Michalap cheesecakes without eggs syrniki cottage cheese pancakes Cooking 4 August 2024Not everyone knows how to make cheesecakes without using flour and chicken protein.
Marina Michalap how to make syrniki delicious cheesecakes Cooking 29 May 2024Not everyone knows how to make perfect syrniki.
Marina Michalap cottage cheese pancakes delicious cheesecakes cooking and recipes Cooking 15 May 2024Recipe for Lenten cheesecakes - without cottage cheese and eggs.
Igor Zur cooking Lenten dishes cooking ideas tips for housewives Cooking 18 April 2024Recipe for carrot cheesecakes - they turn out rosy and juicy.
Igor Zur cooking cooking ideas tips for housewives carrot dishes Cooking 12 April 2024A quick recipe for cheesecakes with banana.
Igor Zur cooking cooking ideas breakfast recipes banana Cooking 11 March 2024Classic recipe for syrniki - no fuss and no extra ingredients.
Igor Zur cooking cottage cheese pancakes kitchen breakfast recipes Cooking 30 January 2024Recipe for cheesecakes without flour and eggs - they turn out perfect.
Igor Zur how to make syrniki food products cooking culinary tricks Cooking 22 January 2024To cook cheesecakes in a multicooker, you will need 30 minutes.
Igor Zur cottage cheese pancakes slow cooker cooking culinary tricks Cooking 15 January 2024Recipe for a fairy-tale cheesecake - a recipe for New Year's breakfast.
Igor Zur syrniki oven recipes cooking culinary tricks Cooking 18 December 2023You can make fluffy and tender syrniki without eggs. You should pay attention to other products that will make the dish even better.
Olga Kotova syrniki cheesecakes in a frying pan eggs Cooking 14 December 2023Often, beginners in cooking complain that the dish falls apart, and the syrniki just spread out on the frying pan. It's all about the mistakes that are made when choosing the cottage cheese.
Olga Kotova syrniki cheesecakes in a frying pan preparation Cooking 5 December 2023