Professional gamers earn millions, sign contracts with brands and travel the world - parents should know and remember this.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents personal development cybersecurity children and parents 25 February 2025Children see the difference between their parents' words and actions - try to earn their respect.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children child psychology respect children and family 25 February 2025Sometimes the most ordinary words that we consider harmless become poison for the child’s psyche.
Kurchev Anton communication with a child parents and children Parents' mistakes Parents' phrases Advice to parents 25 February 2025By forbidding a child to fall, get dirty and make mistakes, parents deprive him of his main teacher - experience.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes child development Advice to parents child psychology 25 February 2025A child's scream in a supermarket or on a playground makes the parents of a capricious toddler blush and get angry.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children the child is crying hysterics children's tantrums 24 February 2025From the first days of life, a baby interacts with the world through sensations. The objects around him become guides to the world of forms, sounds and textures.
Elena Shimanovskaya toy children's toys toys for children choice goods for children 24 February 2025Has your child suddenly started fighting, screaming, breaking toys?
Elena Shimanovskaya child aggression child behavior raising children Advice to parents 23 February 2025Every mother wants only the best for her baby, but it’s easy to drown in a sea of conflicting advice.
Elena Shimanovskaya water drink baby breast milk feeding 22 February 2025“Let him do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn’t yell!” – this phrase can be heard in every store, park or cafe.
Valeria Kisternaya children child upbringing board 22 February 2025Endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva told us which foods should not be given to children.
Timur Khomichev child products harmful products children's health child health 21 February 2025Modern psychologists are sure that geniuses are not born. They are made.
Elena Shimanovskaya upbringing training education raising children raising a smart child 21 February 2025He remains silent when other children are already reciting poems?
Valeria Kisternaya child signs ignoring child development 21 February 2025Every time a child brings home from school with a runny nose and a fever, parents are ready to buy out the entire pharmacy.
Elena Shimanovskaya immunity strengthen the immune system diseases Advice to parents child health 21 February 2025Scientists have proven the benefits of puzzles for children.
Igor Zur Advice to parents child development education issues research interesting facts 20 February 2025Experts say that children are not born knowing how to lie; they learn it from adults.
Igor Zur child psychology Advice to parents raising children reasons for deception adults 20 February 2025Parents often want their children to succeed in their hobbies, but instead of supporting them, they unwittingly create pressure.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes child development Advice to parents interests and hobbies education issues 20 February 2025You might be surprised to learn that your little one started learning math… before he could even talk.
Elena Shimanovskaya mathematics check training teaching a child how to teach a child 20 February 2025Are you sure you know what your child is doing on TikTok?
Valeria Kisternaya children secrets gadgets social networks 20 February 2025Does your little one throw a tantrum at the sight of greens on their plate?
Valeria Kisternaya children child nutrition food board 20 February 2025Learning is a journey of discovery, but too often it is marred by stress.
Elena Shimanovskaya training teaching a child Parents' mistakes raising children education 20 February 2025