Not all housewives know how to properly prepare beets for borscht so that the soup turns out ruby red.
Marina Michalap cooking soup beet cooking Cooking 12 November 2023Should you add ginger, cloves and hops-suneli to borscht? - unsuccessful culinary experiments.
Igor Zur kitchen preparation spices mistakes Cooking 10 November 2023Not all housewives know how to cook delicious borscht without sautéing.
Marina Michalap cooking recipe board cooking Cooking 10 November 2023Borscht is one of the most popular soups in Slavic countries, and each housewife has her own approach to cooking it.
Dmitry Liskovich cook vegetables Cooking 8 November 2023A few minutes before the end of cooking the borscht, some housewives throw a piece of butter into the pot of soup.
Kurchev Anton soup cooking oil taste Cooking 8 November 2023Thanks to three simple tricks, you can prepare high-quality borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking board cooking Cooking 30 October 2023With the help of some chef tricks, you can prepare the most rich borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking board cooking Cooking 28 October 2023Not everyone knows that three very unexpected products can turn borscht into a fantastic dish.
Marina Michalap board food products cooking soup Cooking 16 October 2023Not all housewives know the order in which the ingredients should be added to the borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking food products board cooking Cooking 15 October 2023Not all housewives know why it is worth adding apple cider vinegar and butter to borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking food products board cooking Cooking 12 October 2023With the help of some culinary tricks, borscht can be made even more delicious and high-quality.
Marina Michalap cooking board cooking Cooking 10 October 2023Not all housewives know how to properly prepare beets for borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking board beet cooking Cooking 30 September 2023If you want to cook borscht in a special way, then pay attention to the Moldavian version of the popular soup.
Marina Michalap cooking board cooking Cooking 28 September 2023Not everyone knows why experienced housewives do not want to use large beets to prepare borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking beet cooking board Cooking 19 September 2023Not all housewives know what spices should be added to borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking spices cooking board Cooking 18 September 2023If you prepare the borscht frying correctly, the soup will be much tastier.
Marina Michalap cooking board cooking Cooking 13 September 2023Not everyone knows that some common ingredients can ruin the taste of borscht.
Marina Michalap cooking food products board cooking Cooking 1 September 2023Not all housewives know how to cook real Kuban borscht, which everyone falls in love with literally from the first spoon.
Marina Michalap cooking board recipe cooking Cooking 20 August 2023Not everyone knows that two familiar food products in borscht are completely unnecessary.
Marina Michalap cooking soup board cooking food products Cooking 17 August 2023If you don’t want to ruin your borscht, pay attention to four common mistakes.
Marina Michalap cooking board cooking soup Cooking 12 August 2023