Three ways to quickly peel a pomelo and how to serve the fruit correctly.
Igor Zur Useful tipsRecipe for pumpkin pancakes - you can even make them for breakfast.
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Dmitry Liskovich country house shovel house dacha Garden and Vegetable GardenOnce you have decided on the planting area for your garden, you can start purchasing seeds.
Dmitry Liskovich seeds purchase garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable GardenFour tips to lift your spirits if your home interior seems too boring.
Igor Zur Interior interior styles interior in the apartment Design and interiorEvery year, an experienced gardener draws up a planting plan in order to maintain crop rotation.
Dmitry Liskovich garden growing plants garden and vegetable garden, dacha watering the garden Garden and Vegetable GardenIn December, you can turn your windowsill into a mini-garden and even grow some vegetables for a salad.
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Igor Zur cat cat in the apartment vet for cat PetsContrary to popular belief, using carpets when decorating a room is a good design solution. You just need to follow one important rule.
Kurchev Anton interior items Designer's tips carpets the rules style Design and interiorAttracting wealth is not only a result of financial strategies, but also of energy balance in life.
Sergey Tumanov money wealth methods big money folk signs People and EventsAs a result of long storage in a locker, many things begin to smell unpleasant. A damp smell appears, which is very difficult to eliminate.
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Igor Zur cooking and recipes soda eggs trick life hacks Useful tipsA dove on a windowsill can warn that there may be hypocrites and traitors in a person’s environment.
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Igor Zur washing error cloth household appliances care Useful tipsA simple and effective home method for cleaning a carpet without chemicals has been named - you will need soda, vinegar and water.
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Igor Zur signs Interior board children's room psychology ChildrenWhen honey crystallizes, it becomes denser and heavier, and the water contained in the honey rises to the top and forms foam.
Igor Zur honey storage products mistakes vitamins Useful tipsWhy you shouldn't give books as gifts - objective reasons.
Igor Zur folk signs superstition a book a gift energy People and EventsWhy it is better to plant potatoes, cabbage and raspberries away from apple trees.
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