Juna predicted that everything in Russia would change 5 years after her death.
Igor Zur Juna's predictions predictions about Russia interesting facts prophecy People and Events 9 June 2024The opinion about things from the USSR has changed: many of them are no longer considered irrelevant and “spoiling” the room.
Kurchev Anton things in the apartment retro interior design Designer's tips Design and interior 29 May 2024We are talking about a device called "Smena-8M".
Kurchev Anton photo device interesting facts production Records and anti-records 3 May 2024The salad's peak popularity came in the seventh decade of the 20th century.
Kurchev Anton delicious salads salad recipe beef liver onion cucumbers Cooking 24 April 2024What explained the drink’s bright taste qualities?
Kurchev Anton tea baking soda conduit tea with soda People and Events 21 April 2024The hundredths were calculated based on the need to provide agricultural products for just one average family of 4-6 people.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news country house land plots garden People and Events 20 April 2024We explain why such a building code was introduced in the Soviet Union.
Timur Khomichev Khrushchev number of steps in Khrushchev-era buildings odd number of steps in Khrushchev-era buildings building codes People and Events 19 April 2024This slang became entrenched in the Russian language during the war in Afghanistan.
Timur Khomichev Russian language word words jargon People and Events 16 April 2024The deepest metro station in the world is located in Kyiv - even deeper than in the DPRK.
Igor Zur metro New York Kyiv Pyongyang New York News Kyiv News Pyongyang News Records and anti-records 8 April 2024Nowadays, the dish is not so popular. But it does not deserve to be forgotten.
Kurchev Anton sandwiches with sprats sandwich recipes sprats taste Cooking 4 April 2024We tell you which word in the USSR they were afraid to write correctly until the death of Joseph Stalin.
Timur Khomichev Joseph Stalin Vladimir Lenin Russian language words People and Events 30 March 2024This seems strange to us, but the Soviet conductors had their reasons for it.
Timur Khomichev tea soda tea with soda life hacks with soda Cooking 25 March 2024What items from the Soviet past are still relevant today.
Igor Zur Designer's tips decor for apartment interior items interior decor Design and interior 24 February 2024What diets were the most popular during the Soviet era?
Igor Zur excess weight healthy weight loss gymnastics diet Diets 23 February 2024Soviet household items can be a source of not only nostalgia, but also income.
Timur Khomichev values objects antiques rarity People and Events 6 February 2024Five items from the Soviet era that will decorate your interior even when not in use.
Igor Zur interior items Designer's tips modern interior technique Design and interior 17 January 2024In Soviet times, housewives knew a large number of household tricks. Now many of these tricks seem strange and funny.
Kurchev Anton women household tricks life hacks for housewives newspaper Useful tips 31 December 2023A legendary recipe has survived to this day, which will surprise not only you, but also all your relatives gathered at the dinner table.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products baking recipe Cooking 28 December 2023The Ocean first went on sale in 1972. It gradually gained popularity throughout the Soviet Union.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food food products dish Cooking 27 December 2023As a result of the Soviet scientific approach with the corresponding calculations, the notorious six hundredths were obtained.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news country house plot scientists Useful tips 26 December 2023