Six hundred square meters for a summer house: why in the USSR everyone was given exactly this amount of land

02.07.2024 22:48

Many people remember that during the Soviet era, only six hundred square meters of land were allocated for a summer house.

But few people know why exactly this size of summer cottages was determined.

Why were dachas in the USSR 6 acres

It was not just for nothing that this amount of land for dachas was given out in the Soviet Union.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Soviet mathematicians, economists and agronomists calculated that this type of summer cottage plot is capable of providing a standard family of 4-6 people with the necessary agricultural products.

Six hundred square meters was quite enough to accommodate beds and plant a small number of fruit trees and berry bushes.

Also, on a plot of six hundred square meters there was enough space for a small building for storing agricultural equipment.

Previously, we talked about when and why you shouldn’t protect your personal boundaries.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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