Latest news for March 17, 2023

Room with TV

True crimes include literary works or documentaries in which the authors talk about crimes that actually occurred.

Elena Shimanovskaya video books movies Love psychology reasons crime People and Events

If it comes to an invasion of earwigs, then there is a risk of a serious drop in the yield of carrots, beets and cabbage.

Kurchev Anton insects pests hay methods tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden
Pillow and blanket

Most often, bed linen sets, folded on a shelf in a closet or chest of drawers, look like shapeless, mismatched piles.

Elena Shimanovskaya underwear cabinet storage methods accuracy Useful tips

Does it ever happen that a cat was sleeping soundly a minute ago, but as soon as the owner decided to go to the bathroom, the pet immediately ran after him? What could be the reason for this?

Olga Kotova pets animals cats cats behavior Pets

With the arrival of the undoubtedly long-awaited spring, avid summer residents literally have their hands itching to do something useful on their plot.

Elena Shimanovskaya fertilizer top dressing snow spring error Garden and Vegetable Garden

Any seedling will stretch if the conditions for its growth are violated. For example, if the sprouts are cramped or they experience a lack of light.

Olga Kotova seedling growing board plants Garden and Vegetable Garden

5 important points to consider when choosing a name for a dog.

Igor Zur dog Name board nature pets Pets

Before the start of the summer cottage season, you need to prepare everything. You should also treat the greenhouse. But what exactly should you do?

Olga Kotova greenhouse garden growing board Garden and Vegetable Garden

It is impossible to keep your teeth clean and healthy without regular care.

Elena Shimanovskaya teeth cleaning cleaning the rules health Beauty and health

When, how and, most importantly, why to transplant pepper seedlings.

Igor Zur seedling pepper care soil board Garden and Vegetable Garden
Flowers, hydrangea

Flowers not only decorate the territory of a country plot and please the eye, but can also fight pests and diseases in the garden.

Olga Kotova flowers plants country house growing Garden and Vegetable Garden
Cleaning Sponge

We'll tell you how to make your home windows shine without leaving you exhausted.

Igor Zur cleaning windows apartment board tricks Useful tips
Childish smile

To understand what is wrong with using a gel that is supposed to help your baby cope with painful sensations during teething, it is worth remembering how it is usually used.

Elena Shimanovskaya children and family child teeth medicine harm drugs Children
Toilet, plumbing

Everyone loves cleanliness. It is especially important to have it in the bathroom, where bacteria spread especially actively in a humid and warm environment.

Olga Kotova plumbing cleaning bathroom life hacks board Useful tips
young woman

There are particularly popular stereotypes that no one dares to refute, which everyone has.

Yana Lysova Human error life Love and Family

These items have long gone out of fashion, but not everyone knows about it.

Igor Zur apartment furniture fashion mistakes board Design and interior