Know that your pet did not intend to make you angry.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior cat bowl facts about cats Tips for cat owners 13 November 2024It's not just vision that helps cats navigate in the dark.
Igor Zur cat vision facts about cats sense of smell in cats interesting facts science 12 November 2024Experts have named 5 reasons why dogs should not be fed cat food.
Igor Zur dog food cat food Tips for dog owners dog health about dogs 12 November 2024Almost all dog owners are frequent visitors to pet stores, where they look at new things that can please their pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals dog products leash 12 November 2024Porridges are an excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals nutrition dog food porridge for dogs 11 November 2024Helpful tips to help you choose the best bowl for your indoor cat.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat bowl useful tips and life hacks mistakes cat in the apartment 11 November 2024Thanks to regular teeth cleaning, you will not be familiar with such a problem as bad breath from the dog. In addition, this procedure is an excellent prevention of tartar and gum disease.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals teeth how to brush teeth 11 November 2024You can find a huge number of videos on the Internet, the main characters of which are cats who are scared because of a cucumber.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior fear reasons Tips for cat owners 11 November 2024At the World Cat Show in Oslo, the most beautiful pet was recognized as a cat named Bacardi, a representative of the Russian Blue breed.
Igor Zur cat breeds cat show pets Media | Mass Media cat character 10 November 2024A dog expert has dispelled the popular myth about the good health of mongrel dogs.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog health cynologist animal care myths about dogs 10 November 2024A dog trainer explained how excess weight affects a dog’s life expectancy.
Igor Zur board canine dog health excess weight facts about dogs 9 November 2024Veterinarians explained how to properly organize feeding of a cat.
Igor Zur cat behavior cat food Tips for cat owners veterinarian pets and animals 9 November 2024Although cats are known to like to wander on their own, they still feel affection for their owners.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals entertainment 8 November 2024Many owners of purring pets notice that their animals scratch furniture or wallpaper with their claws (in the absence of a scratching post).
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats dogs pets and animals 8 November 2024This action is explained by the “genetic memory” of our four-legged friends.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior the dog is sleeping facts about dogs interesting facts 8 November 2024A cat can pick up fleas while walking, or it can become infected with them even if it spends all its time at home – these parasites can enter the apartment on shoes or clothes.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals fleas cat flea 7 November 2024Sausage products are a source of compounds that negatively affect the metabolism of dogs.
Kurchev Anton pets dog food sausage harm facts about dogs 7 November 2024Experts are convinced that it is worth starting to train a dog from the very first day it appears in the house.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals training dog training dog training 6 November 2024In 2007, there were more than 16,000 hospital visits in the United States where retractable leashes "caused" significant injuries to dogs.
Valeria Kisternaya animals walking the dog dog leash board 6 November 2024This is standard behavior for cats who feel vulnerable.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior why is the cat hiding reasons Tips for cat owners 6 November 2024