Many owners of purring pets notice that their animals scratch furniture or wallpaper with their claws (in the absence of a scratching post).
Why do they behave this way? The answer is simple: this is how animals wear down their claws – they don’t know any other way.
Free-roaming cats and their owners do not face this problem, and this is because they have trees and much more at their disposal.

Pets need to get a manicure and pedicure regularly.
Once the claws are trimmed, the nuisance of torn furniture will disappear, and your pets will scratch noticeably less.
The same can be said about dogs.
Even daily walks cannot shorten the claws, especially when it comes to dewclaws (fifth toes) – they, as we know, do not come into contact with the road while walking.
In addition, excessively long claws are dangerous for the animals themselves. While walking around the house or playing, a cat or dog can catch on something and injure a paw.
Animals also experience severe discomfort due to ingrown claws.
It is for these reasons that caring pet owners should pick up a nail clipper – about once a month.