Want to become a truly happy person? It's not that difficult!
Kurchev Anton happiness how to become happy secrets of happiness help People and Events 9 January 2025When an animal purrs, it means not only relaxation, but also trust in a person.
Igor Zur cat behavior facts about cats Tips for cat owners pets Pets 2 December 2024This phrase devalues the assistance provided.
Kurchev Anton communication communication with people phrases psychology of communication People and Events 28 August 2024Try to see not only the minuses in your partner, but also the pluses. Learn to ask your other half for forgiveness, and also thank them.
Kurchev Anton relationship problems how to save a relationship phrases help Love and Family 27 August 2024Many people think that becoming a happy person is very difficult. In fact, everything is quite simple. You just need to know certain psychological techniques.
Kurchev Anton happiness how to become happy psychological trick morning People and Events 6 August 2024To feel completely satisfied with life, it is not at all necessary to become a rich and influential person.
Kurchev Anton happiness how to become happy useful habits psychology People and Events 12 July 2024Of course, you shouldn't demand primness from your child. But parents should explain some important points to their child as early as possible.
Kurchev Anton parents and children etiquette rules of etiquette Advice to parents Children 19 June 2024Communication is an important part of relationships. Sometimes it is enough to say one phrase - and many problems are solved.
Kurchev Anton strengthening relations phrases support Advice for lovers Love and Family 5 June 2024Dogs are known for their loyalty and obedience. Some of them love their owner so much that they are ready to thank him for any manifestation of care.
Kurchev Anton dog behavior pets signs Tips for dog owners Pets 22 May 2024Not all people feel happy. Many complain about constant failures and losses.
Kurchev Anton happiness how to find happiness psychological trick behavior People and Events 20 May 2024Gratitude is directly related to the feeling of shame, or, to put it another way, those for whom we ourselves have done something good are considered good in the typical sense.
Valeria Kisternaya People psychology People and Events 29 April 2024A fluffy cat may well not only love its owner, but also show this love in a certain way.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior facts about cats interesting facts Pets 26 April 2024Many people know the importance of the phrase "I love you." But such confessions are unlikely to be enough to keep a couple strong forever.
Kurchev Anton close relationship how to strengthen relationships phrases board Love and Family 5 April 2024Parents should not ignore their child's successes. But they should not overpraise the child either.
Kurchev Anton child Advice to parents communication Children 5 December 2023It is unlikely that anyone would dare to call their four-legged friend ungrateful, because animals use a lot of ways to express their sincere “thank you” to people.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs animals behavior pets Pets 30 May 2023We explain where this belief comes from and how to properly thank your family and friends.
Timur Khomichev relatives family folk signs signs People and Events 2 April 2023Gratitude is a deep feeling that is reflected in thoughts, emotions and the body.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board notebook Useful tips 27 January 2023Such ways of expressing gratitude are always appropriate and always good.
Yana Lysova board Human Love and Family 16 January 2023At first glance, it may seem that a cat is a selfish creature that only tolerates being in the same space with a person.
Olga Kotova cat cats cats pets Pets 15 January 2023