Not everyone knows how to choose the right oil for frying fish.
Marina Michalap how to choose oil frying oil choose oil for frying culinary tricks Cooking 16 September 2024Not everyone knows how to protect themselves from the unpleasant smell of fish while frying.
Marina Michalap how to fry fish how to fry fish without smell culinary tricks Cooking 9 August 2024We'll tell you the secret to cooking juicy fish.
Timur Khomichev fish juicy fish cooking fish secrets of fried fish Cooking 28 June 2024You just need to add one ingredient to the breading.
Timur Khomichev fish fried fish secrets of fried fish fish with crust Cooking 23 June 2024Not everyone knows why you should put potatoes in the pan when frying fish.
Marina Michalap fry fish deliciously improve fried fish cooking and recipes Cooking 3 June 2024We explain why you need to fry fish with the lid closed.
Timur Khomichev fish rules for frying fish frying fish with the lid closed fried fish Cooking 29 March 2024Chefs recommend cooking fish fillet in batter with the addition of lemon. In this case, the dish will get an interesting and bright taste.
Olga Kotova fish fish recipe batter recipes cooking Cooking 13 December 2023The fish will not fall apart if you take into account some nuances during the frying process.
Olga Kotova fish fish recipe cooking fish Cooking 7 December 2023Not everyone knows how to properly cook juicy fish.
Marina Michalap juicy fish cooking fish culinary tricks Cooking 28 November 2023