It is worth understanding that oil plays an important role in the process of frying any product: it helps to achieve high-quality cooking and preserve good appetizing qualities.
This is especially important when frying fish.
Oils with too strong a flavor can spoil the taste of fish, notes Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the BelNovosti online publication.

What to look out for
Oils that are definitely not suitable for frying fish
Unrefined oils should be immediately ruled out: in most cases, they do not have the required smoke point. For example, you can fry in unrefined coconut oil, but the taste of the fish will be spoiled.
We also exclude oils with a strong smell and taste: this will not benefit the dish.
What can you choose?
Classic refined rapeseed oil and sunflower seed-based products will cope well with frying. These options are inexpensive and high-quality.
You can improve the taste of the fish by melting a piece of butter.
You can also cook with refined olive or corn oil.