The task of parents is not to protect the child from all the bumps, but to support him when he stumbles over them.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents child psychology development of independence support 28 February 2025If in a family “thank you” sounds formal, like a ritual, then the child will not understand its value.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes psychology of communication children and family children's behavior 28 February 2025Modern children are growing up in a world where digital technologies have become part of everyday life, and there is no point in banning them.
Igor Zur technologies and methods raising children Advice to parents prohibitions communication with children 28 February 2025Imagine: you are late for kindergarten, and your child suddenly sits down on the floor in the middle of the street and screams like a siren.
Valeria Kisternaya screams board child the child is crying 28 February 2025A long trip with a child is a real test even for the most patient parents.
Elena Shimanovskaya road communication with a child what to play with kids Advice to parents parents and children 27 February 2025Imagine that every pencil stroke or lump of plasticine in a child’s hands is the beginning of a long journey.
Elena Shimanovskaya creativity parents and children Advice to parents raising children teaching a child 27 February 2025Overprotection is a slow poison that destroys the future.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and parents child development criticism child psychology 27 February 2025You might be surprised, but many games develop logic, creativity, and even empathy.
Igor Zur internet children and parents child development computer games communication with children 27 February 2025It seems like this is just a way of raising children, but behind every phrase there is a message that the child remembers at the instinctive level.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children words and phrases child psychology psychology of success 27 February 2025A mini-drama unfolds on the playground: three-year-old Vanya is clutching a brightly colored truck tightly in his hands, and a neighbor boy is pulling him towards himself, shouting: “Give it to me!”
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad upbringing raising children secrets of education 26 February 2025Every parent dreams of their child becoming outstanding. But what if your efforts are backfiring?
Kurchev Anton child raising children Parents' mistakes raising a smart child Advice to parents 26 February 2025Every parent wants their child to grow up happy and confident.
Elena Shimanovskaya phrases Parents' phrases dangerous phrases raising children Advice to parents 26 February 2025Even if you feel like you have a “right,” your teenager will perceive this as a betrayal.
Igor Zur education of teenagers Advice to parents family and relationships children and parents psychology of communication 26 February 2025Here are a few expressions that you should permanently erase from your vocabulary if you don't want your words to become your child's inner voice.
Igor Zur Advice to parents mistakes of education words and phrases child psychology children and parents 26 February 2025You shout, threaten, deprive the child of cartoons - and it's as if the child doesn't hear. Sound familiar?
Kurchev Anton child naughty children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Parents' phrases 26 February 2025The goal of a parent is not to raise an ideal person, but to help the child become himself.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes child development psychological trauma children and family 26 February 2025You buy expensive toys, allow them to stay up until midnight and are afraid to say “no” so as not to traumatize the psyche.
Valeria Kisternaya children upbringing psychology 26 February 2025Parents, torn between drawing clubs and music schools, often overlook an inconspicuous but powerful development tool: a theater studio.
Elena Shimanovskaya theater child development teaching a child Advice to parents child development 25 February 2025Every parent has at least once encountered a situation when a child is hysterical, and all known methods of calming him down turn into useless noise.
Kurchev Anton child child behavior hysterics tricks Advice to parents 25 February 2025Many adults are at a loss when they watch their children ignore their responsibilities.
Elena Shimanovskaya teenagers education of teenagers sense of responsibility parents and children Advice to parents 25 February 2025