A psychologist warned about the dangers of the "get it done before the New Year" syndrome.
Igor Zur New Year syndrome consequences of stress advice from psychologists People and Events 20 December 2024Foreign scientists have come to the conclusion that dating apps lead to emotional burnout.
Igor Zur close relationship iPhone apps online dating scientific research Love and Family 16 September 2024If you don't want to face emotional burnout, then you should learn about the reasons that lead to it.
Marina Michalap career and work advice from psychologists People and Events 23 August 2024With the help of some tricks, you can protect yourself from emotional burnout at work.
Marina Michalap burnout at work how to deal with burnout advice from psychologists People and Events 9 August 2024Experts talk about the causes of emotional burnout and how to combat it.
Igor Zur psychological attitudes nervous work unhealthy relationship problems in life People and Events 26 June 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate that changes are needed in life.
Marina Michalap depression advice from psychologists People and Events 23 June 2024Three tips to help you avoid emotional burnout.
Igor Zur how to deal with burnout psychological stability how to cope with stress People and Events 16 May 2024Not everyone knows what signs will tell you that you are suffering from emotional burnout.
Marina Michalap board advice from psychologists People and Events 11 May 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate emotional burnout.
Marina Michalap work career advice from psychologists People and Events 21 April 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why emotional burnout at work can occur.
Marina Michalap work career advice from psychologists People and Events 20 April 2024Emotional burnout is always difficult.
Elena Shimanovskaya emotions burnout how to deal with burnout People People and Events 9 April 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate emotional burnout.
Marina Michalap chronic fatigue advice from psychologists stress People and Events 22 March 2024A person who has encountered such a problem may find it more difficult to perform routine tasks, lose interest in life, and every day is similar to the previous one.
Olga Kotova burnout how to deal with burnout health People and Events 21 March 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate emotional burnout at work.
Marina Michalap burnout at work how to deal with burnout advice from psychologists People and Events 19 March 2024Emotional burnout or the state of “I’m tired, I have no strength” manifests itself in different situations, and not only at work.
Valeria Kisternaya board psychology People and Events 17 March 2024