This is perhaps the most terrible phrase a parent can say to their child.
Sergey Tumanov upbringing family psychology Children 5 April 2023Making new friends and initiating conversations is an important communication skill that parents should teach their children.
Valeria Kisternaya children and family psychology upbringing Friends friendship Children 31 March 2023You can try to immediately recognize such an opponent by paying attention to some aspects of his behavior.
Yana Lysova signs Human society and people Love and Family 31 March 2023There may be someone nearby who expresses to the individual something that goes against his views, and who is harsh about it.
Yana Lysova board Human Love and Family 29 March 2023Psychologists advise parents to choose their words and expressions very carefully when communicating with their children.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news parents child words Children 25 March 2023Communication between a cat and a person can occur in different ways.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets behavior Pets 23 March 2023Such advice should always be put into practice.
Yana Lysova Human society and people Love and Family 11 March 2023If a person wants to make communication positive, then he will have to try.
Yana Lysova Human board Love and Family 11 March 2023If you want to be friends with a certain family, you shouldn’t rely on stereotypes.
Yana Lysova friendship family board Love and Family 6 March 2023Interestingly, if you ask different people about this, each of them will give a completely different answer.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board People People and Events 1 March 2023First, you need to understand why you need to learn to understand people.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology People target People and Events 25 February 2023Friends are people, like-minded people who share your interests, with whom you feel happy, calm and safe.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board Friends People and Events 23 February 2023There is no magic pill or universal advice that would help you begin to understand other people.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board People People and Events 21 February 2023"The most hopeless task in the world is to try to define a person's character accurately."
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board nature People and Events 20 February 2023There is an opinion that authority is a “tool” in the implementation of a successful career, which arises only after a long period of time.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology People board company People and Events 20 February 2023With three simple tricks you can learn to be a more positive person.
Marina Michalap psychology board positive People People and Events 17 February 2023Communication may be forced, so you will have to endure it.
Yana Lysova board People Love and Family 17 February 2023Three common mistakes can cause you to lose the respect of others.
Marina Michalap psychology People board People and Events 16 February 2023There are some things a woman should not have to justify herself for.
Marina Michalap psychology board women behavior People and Events 15 February 2023When communicating with children, parents should avoid three common mistakes.
Marina Michalap children and family parents psychology upbringing Children 14 February 2023