Psychologist Lyudmila Ermakova told how to learn to understand people: advice

25.02.2023 13:00

First, you need to understand why you need to learn to understand people.

Psychologist Lyudmila Ermakova told how to learn to understand people: advice.

Perhaps you have been deceived often, or you will have to work in a new team. The motives may be different.

In the first case, you need to honestly admit to yourself whose position you live in: a victim or a strong person. The first type finds it difficult to accept society as a multitude of people with different characters and desires.

The victim is full of doubts, mistrust, constantly looking for someone to blame for their failures. Understanding people for such people means finding those who can be manipulated, who can be blamed.

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Photo: Pixabay

If the goal of learning to understand people is connected with other motives, then here it is first necessary to know yourself, learn to understand yourself and your states.

Pay attention to your feelings when you are around other people, how your body reacts, what emotions arise when you contact people. We can understand and feel a lot, but we are not used to trusting ourselves.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is learn to develop emotional intelligence and observe your body, its signals. With someone, it shrinks and you want to run away and hide, or attack.

This means that this person is not right for you. And if, when communicating with a person, you feel warmth, joy, a relaxed state and a sense of security, then this person can be trusted. The body, subconscious and emotions cannot be deceived.

A person can manipulate with gestures and words, but once you learn to hear yourself, you can avoid disappointment and many mistakes in communicating with other people.

You can learn to understand people through attentiveness and observation of your interlocutor and surrounding people. Read their simple non-verbal signals: gestures and facial expressions. For example, it is easy to communicate with emotional and positive people.

They openly say what they feel. It is much more difficult to understand closed, negative people. The reasons for their behavior can be different circumstances: personal traumas and goals, mistrust of the world around them.

And you don't need to change them, but just understand when they speak and act, guided by spiritual impulse or hidden intentions. Here you need to rely not only on personal feelings, but also on observations.

People can wear many "masks", keep themselves within established limits. And it is extremely difficult to understand how they will behave in some situations. In difficult situations, any person will show their true character.

The ability to draw the right conclusions is important here. After all, having our own idea of a person, we first pay attention to his actions, not words. It also happens that words and actions diverge.

If you have set a clear goal to learn how to understand people, then you need practice and more practice. You can get it only by communicating with different people. Expand your circle of acquaintances, observe them, practice communication skills.

It is important to learn to listen to yourself, to trust yourself. Develop observation skills. These qualities will definitely help you understand people.

And most importantly - show respect, learn to notice not only shortcomings, but also advantages, strengths. Moreover, look for their manifestations in every action of a person. And then he himself will strive to be better.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor