According to experienced gardeners, anthracnose is a disease that has already caught up with the widely known late blight in terms of its harmfulness.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato potatoes disease prevention Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 June 2023Yucca owners sometimes notice that the leaves of the flower gradually droop, becoming soft and pale, and the stem of the flower softens.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants disease disease Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 June 2023Cats can hide their illnesses until the very last moment, and by the time they become obvious, it may already be too late.
Igor Zur cats health veterinarian board Pets 24 May 20234 cases when a visit to the veterinary clinic cannot be delayed.
Igor Zur cat disease veterinarian pets Pets 22 May 2023Conifers are increasingly common in garden plots, and this is understandable – they make the area look more noble and, in addition, can be used as a source of shade on hot days.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants now disease signs Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 May 20234 important points that everyone who takes a cat from the street needs to know.
Igor Zur cats health habits feeding Pets 19 May 2023Do cats feel other people's pain and are they able to heal it - interesting observations.
Igor Zur cats disease temperature research Pets 17 May 2023Pet owners try in every way to make the lives of their pets more comfortable and to save themselves from unnecessary troubles.
Elena Gutyro cats cats animals pets veterinarian Pets 10 May 2023Powdery mildew can cause significant damage to plants and, therefore, to crops.
Elena Shimanovskaya now garden disease plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 May 2023Garlic rust is treatable, but the best way to protect your crop is prevention.
Igor Zur garlic diseases harvest prevention Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 April 2023Three of the most common diseases in cats that cat owners should be prepared for.
Igor Zur cats health board diseases Pets 21 April 2023Causes of vomiting in cats and what the pet owner should do about it.
Igor Zur cats diseases health board Pets 19 April 20235 reasons why a cat constantly asks for food.
Igor Zur cats nutrition health board Pets 18 April 2023Skin inflammations cause a lot of problems. But do popular drugs help fight them?
Olga Kotova skin acne health Beauty and health 8 April 2023Damage to the tree bark for any reason can lead to the death of the plant.
Elena Shimanovskaya now trees tree a plant Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 April 2023TV doctor Alexander Myasnikov said that there are diseases that often go away on their own.
Olga Kotova health Alexander Myasnikov disease Beauty and health 5 April 2023The cat not only heals its owner, but also protects household members from negative energy.
Igor Zur cats energy health pets Pets 4 April 2023Blossom end rot, which all gardeners encounter from time to time, can cause the loss of the entire harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya tomato tomatoes tomatoes disease Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 April 2023It is unlikely that there is a summer resident who has not encountered a disease such as powdery mildew.
Elena Shimanovskaya gooseberry currant cucumbers disease Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 March 2023When treating a runny nose, it is important to realize that nothing affects the condition of the respiratory tract as much as the air that passes through it.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family child disease runny nose help Children 23 March 2023