This seems strange to us, but the Soviet conductors had their reasons for it.
Timur Khomichev tea soda tea with soda USSR Cooking 25 March 2024We'll tell you what to add to the water when boiling potatoes so that they don't overcook.
Timur Khomichev potatoes potato boiling potatoes boiling potatoes Cooking 13 March 2024Housewives were told how to whiten a yellowed plastic window sill without chemicals.
Igor Zur household tricks yellowness on the windowsill tips for housewives cleaning products Useful tips 4 March 2024Summer residents were told why and how to soak cucumber seeds in soda.
Igor Zur home seedlings cucumber seeds advice for summer residents increasing the yield of cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 March 2024A reliable remedy based on 3 simple components that will help remove the smell of cat marks.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment eliminate unpleasant odor how to clean a carpet hydrogen peroxide Pets 26 February 2024What natural remedies will help to gently clean the pan.
Igor Zur life hacks with vinegar life hacks with citric acid tips for housewives household tricks Useful tips 24 February 2024Adding baking soda when frying onions helps speed up the caramelization process.
Igor Zur culinary tricks tips for housewives fried onions taste Useful tips 23 February 2024We'll tell you how to get rid of the smell in the oven using baking soda.
Timur Khomichev oven oven smell in the oven soda Useful tips 9 February 2024Three tips that can ruin your washing machine or laundry.
Igor Zur machine wash life hacks with vinegar tips for housewives mistakes Useful tips 8 February 2024How soda and water will help to clean up the refrigerator - there will be less ice and food will not spoil.
Igor Zur refrigerator tips for housewives food storage household tricks Useful tips 6 February 2024Housewives were told how to remove unpleasant odors from clothes that remain after washing.
Igor Zur machine wash housewives mistakes unpleasant smell tips for housewives Useful tips 2 February 2024How to clean stove knobs, even if they are not removable - it takes two minutes.
Igor Zur cleaning the kitchen kitchen stove cleaning life hacks with vinegar Cooking 31 January 2024Summer residents were told how to use soda to rejuvenate rose bushes.
Igor Zur how to grow roses plant care advice for summer residents top dressing and fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 January 2024Housewives were told three ways to remove stains from pillows.
Igor Zur pillow cleaning stains on pillows tips for housewives household tricks Useful tips 25 January 2024We'll tell you about a product that will deal with a greasy stain in a matter of minutes.
Timur Khomichev spot stains on clothes grease stain stain removal Useful tips 24 January 2024Two ways to clean gas stove burners with improvised means - they will be as good as new.
Igor Zur kitchen cleaning gas stove citric acid in everyday life tips for housewives Useful tips 23 January 2024How to dry winter shoes and get rid of unpleasant odor - four simple tips.
Igor Zur winter shoes unpleasant smell life hacks with vinegar household tricks Useful tips 23 January 2024Housewives were told how to keep bed linen fresh by airing it out or using baking soda.
Igor Zur bed sheets bedding winter tips for housewives smell of freshness Useful tips 17 January 2024How to feed orchids with soda and why it is necessary - a simple but very effective additive.
Igor Zur indoor plants house orchid Orchid fertilizing orchid bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 January 2024How to wash ingrained dirt off white socks - three life hacks without household chemicals.
Igor Zur washing clothes tips for housewives life hacks with vinegar household tricks Useful tips 15 January 2024