Not everyone knows the truth about whether slim people eat potatoes and dishes based on them.
Marina Michalap potatoes and weight loss potato Dietitian's advice Diets 26 September 2024Not everyone knows which potato-based dish can be called the most harmful.
Marina Michalap anti-record the most harmful vegetables the most harmful food Records and anti-records 21 September 2024The high carbohydrate content, high calorie content for a vegetable, and high glycemic index make potatoes not entirely suitable for dinner.
Kurchev Anton potatoes diet the rules board Diets 21 June 2024Eating shriveled sprouted potatoes can have serious health consequences.
Igor Zur proper nutrition maintain health liver health digestion Beauty and health 5 May 2024Not everyone knows why you should avoid eating boiled potatoes when losing weight.
Marina Michalap weight loss tips boiled potatoes Dietitian's advice Diets 22 April 2024We tell you which products are strictly forbidden to eat with potatoes.
Timur Khomichev potato potatoes harm of potatoes product incompatibility Cooking 22 January 2024