"Have you seen her daughter? At five years old, she speaks three languages!" parents whisper at school meetings.
Elena Shimanovskaya upbringing council mom dad brick child parents and children 14 February 2025A study in the Journal of Child Psychology (2023) revealed shocking data: children who began socialization before age 3 are twice as likely to suffer from “fake emotion syndrome” – the habit of faking joy or calmness in order to please caregivers.
Elena Shimanovskaya kindergarten upbringing raising children child children's behavior 14 February 2025“Three mugs is the minimum for a decent family,” many caring mothers believe.
Elena Shimanovskaya upbringing raising children development child development child 14 February 2025Three myths about C students, but none of them are a reason to drop out of school.
Igor Zur school and parents intellectual development children and study Advice to parents mistakes in education 14 February 2025Generation Z sees the world through a screen, and we try to explain life to them through newspapers.
Igor Zur parents and children child development child psychology advice from psychologists social media 14 February 2025Top 5 Most Poisonous Expressions Parents Use Without Even Noticing
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children words and phrases child psychology child development 14 February 2025Psychologists have deciphered the secret codes of teenagers, and some of them will break your heart.
Igor Zur education of teenagers words and phrases children and parents relationships child psychology 14 February 2025In 10 years, the child will forget the discriminant formula and will definitely regret not learning to say “no” to toxic people and survive an infostorm.
Igor Zur personal development child development parents and children scientific facts education 14 February 2025Even if you don’t have children of your own, you may have witnessed more than once how some child in a store persistently tugged at his mother’s sleeve and asked in a drawn-out voice: “Come on, buy it, buy it!”
Elena Shimanovskaya children and parents children's whims council mom dad purchase spoiled child 13 February 2025Narcissistic parents raise a generation of losers, psychologists believe.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and parents raising children child psychology Parents' mistakes 13 February 2025Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that oatmeal is harmful to health and suggest replacing it.
Igor Zur oatmeal healthy eating scientific facts cereals useful substances 13 February 2025Scientists have debunked the myth that 2 hours a day with a gadget will not harm a child.
Igor Zur child and gadgets Advice to parents chronic fatigue research by scientists scientific facts 13 February 2025Coercion is a road to nowhere, say child development experts.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and study parents and children child development education 13 February 2025Research shows that most teenagers lie to their parents for fear of being judged.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes education of teenagers research by scientists child psychology emotions 13 February 2025Modern parents repeat mistakes that psychologists exposed 30 years ago.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children child development mistakes in education child psychology 13 February 2025Otolaryngologist Igor Manevich explained what constant snoring in a child may indicate.
Timur Khomichev snore child causes of snoring child health children's health 12 February 2025Children's tantrums are a "phenomenon" that any parent has had to deal with more than once.
Elena Shimanovskaya child hysterics children's tantrums raising children the child is crying 12 February 2025A child who bites his nails or the skin around the nails is probably experiencing stress or is worried about something.
Igor Zur raising children child psychology medical advice child development cope with stress 12 February 2025A study in the Journal of Adolescent Health has revealed truths about teens in online communities that parents have no idea about.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents child psychology social media scientific research 12 February 2025In raising children, you need to use not only the “stick”, but also the “carrot”.
Elena Shimanovskaya child encouragement upbringing raising children council mom dad 11 February 2025