If a child bites his nails or chews the skin around his nails, this is not a habit that he has developed out of boredom.
This topic has long been of interest to doctors and neurologists in particular.
The reason is the most unfortunate, but it can be dealt with without much difficulty with the help of expert advice.

What is the reason?
1. A child who bites his nails or the skin around the nails is probably experiencing stress or is worried about something.
2. Another reason is worries, emotional difficulties and other behavioral problems.
3. Specialists also note sleep disturbances and possible fears, including fears of unfamiliar situations.
What should parents do?
First, you need to analyze the environment in which the child finds himself.
This event can be caused by family conflicts or tension in communication with parents.
In older children, stress can be caused by school: studying, interactions with teachers or peers, poor academic performance.
In any case, parents should start by talking.
1. It is necessary to explain that all feelings are normal and can be dealt with.
2. It is necessary to switch the child’s attention at the moment of tension and invite him to draw, do modeling or some other creative activity.
3. If the suggested options do not help, or if other symptoms or complications are observed, then you should consult a doctor.
But in addition to providing timely medical care, parents must ensure that the child grows up in a calm and comfortable environment.