The cooking time for dry split peas is more than an hour, and for whole peas - more than two hours. However, the process can be significantly accelerated.
Kurchev Anton pea boiling peas quick cooking peas supplements Cooking 8 August 2024We'll tell you how to restore the whiteness of your toilet using products that everyone has at home.
Timur Khomichev toilet cleaning toilet cleaning citric acid Useful tips 8 August 2024We tell you why conductors poured soda into tea and why they don’t do that now.
Timur Khomichev tea with soda soda in tea tea baking soda how to spend time on a train Cooking 2 August 2024Summer is in full swing – and with it, the jam-making season.
Elena Shimanovskaya jam sweetness sugar culinary life hacks Cooking 31 July 2024It's no secret that kitchen towels get dirty almost instantly. Regular washing does not always help to return the products to perfect cleanliness.
Kurchev Anton kitchen towels how to wash towels vegetable oil washing Useful tips 31 July 2024Not everyone knows why soda was added to tea in Soviet times.
Marina Michalap soda in tea soviet cuisine tea Cooking 29 July 2024They not only chew wires, furniture and food, but also carry various infections.
Sergey Tumanov Top news house mice rodents drive away mice Useful tips 15 July 2024It is acceptable to use either regular baking soda or soda ash.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants garden cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 July 2024We'll tell you how to prepare a soda-based fertilizer for cucumbers.
Timur Khomichev cucumbers baking soda soda for cucumbers feeding cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 July 2024We'll tell you why Soviet housewives brewed tea with soda and how to do it correctly.
Timur Khomichev tea baking soda tea with soda life hacks with soda Useful tips 7 July 2024Before you start cleaning your carpet with baking soda, it is important to properly prepare the surface.
Sergey Tumanov Top news house carpet cleaning Useful tips 30 June 2024Probably, every woman would like to have fewer household chores in her schedule and have an hour in her schedule that she can devote to herself.
Elena Shimanovskaya refrigerator soda solution baking soda for refrigerator odor life hacks Useful tips 14 June 2024The first thing that comes to mind is to wash the towel with conditioner. However, there is a problem: this product is not suitable for terry fabrics.
Kurchev Anton terry towels soft towel laundry soap cleanliness Useful tips 8 June 2024Many housewives, which is quite commendable, place high demands on the cleanliness of the mattress.
Elena Shimanovskaya baking soda mattress mattress cleaning life hacks Useful tips 26 May 2024Frequent use of the dishwasher leads to its rapid contamination.
Kurchev Anton dishwasher how to clean a dishwasher white vinegar tips for housewives Useful tips 23 May 2024Not everyone knows how to use baking soda when growing tomatoes.
Marina Michalap baking soda for tomatoes using soda soda at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 May 2024You can clean your kettle from scale without using special products.
Timur Khomichev kettle scale in the kettle descaling a kettle descaling a kettle with baking soda Useful tips 13 May 2024We'll tell you how to bring your toilet into perfect condition using a product that everyone has at home.
Timur Khomichev toilet toilet cleaning cleaning toilet with soda life hacks with soda Useful tips 11 May 2024We are talking about using the most common baking soda.
Kurchev Anton tomatoes growing tomatoes sweet tomatoes advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 May 2024You can use both regular baking soda and calcined soda in the garden.
Elena Shimanovskaya baking soda soda ash benefits of soda soda for the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 April 2024