The currants will be as large as gooseberries: just sprinkle this powder around the bushes in the fall

17.11.2024 13:55

Many gardeners and summer residents use baking soda as fertilizer.

The remedy does have an effect, but not always.

For example, in spring and summer, when the seedlings are growing, you should not use soda – it can harm the plants.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But in the fall, judging by the reviews of those who like to grow plants on their plots, soda showed itself from the best side.

They say: by scattering soda over the beds in the autumn, we thereby deoxidize the soil and eliminate harmful bacteria.

Experienced people who have been working with this powder for a long time advise adding 2 tablespoons of soda to each square meter of land.

For ease of application of fertilizer, the powder can be pre-mixed with mustard cake or tobacco dust.

By the way, soda, among other things, will save you from such troubles as powdery mildew, late blight, gray mold, etc.

In the fall, many gardeners sprinkle the root zone of currants and other berry bushes with soda.

In this way, they get rid of pests that “settle” in the roots of the bushes for the winter, as well as harmful bacteria.

In this case, we need to evenly distribute three tablespoons of soda under each currant bush.

For reference

Currant is a genus of dicotyledonous flowering plants of the monotypic family Gooseberryaceae of the order Saxifragales, which includes about 200 natural species.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

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