Soda is a universal product that can be used not only at home, but also in the garden.
Get ready to learn about the beneficial properties of baking soda and how to use it in plant care.
For rejuvenation of rose bushes
For experienced gardeners who are thinking about rejuvenating roses, the following recipe comes to the rescue.

A remedy that can cope with this purpose consists of 1 teaspoon of soda, 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt, diluted in 5 liters of water.
Against weeds
If you are tired of small grass growing between the tiles that line the paths on your property, try making a strong soda solution and pouring it into the cracks.
To protect cabbage
No less annoying are the caterpillars that feast on young cabbage leaves.
To get rid of pests, you need to mix soda and flour in equal parts - caterpillars will not be able to tear themselves away from this deadly snack.
For feeding tomatoes
According to many summer residents, spraying with soda fertilizer helps make tomatoes sweeter.