Have you ever interacted with someone who seemed perfect, but left a strange aftertaste after the conversation?
Kurchev Anton nature human behavior question psychological trick People and Events 1 March 2025He appears like a hero from a romantic movie: he gives flowers for no reason, calls you “the only one” and promises the moon from the sky.
Elena Shimanovskaya narcissist man man advice for women toxic relationship Love and Family 20 February 2025Perennial bulbous flowers such as daffodils attract many gardeners with their beauty.
Elena Shimanovskaya bloom flowers plants reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 January 2025Narcissism is not just a personality trait
Valeria Kisternaya psychology relationship Love signs Love and Family 6 November 2024Rodents pose a huge danger to many garden and vegetable crops.
Kurchev Anton rodent control mice tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 September 2024When daffodils begin to grow (usually in the third year after planting), they should be replanted.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 July 2024As soon as a narcissist appears in your life – be it a friend, partner, relative or any other person important to you – your basic human rights are immediately violated.
Elena Shimanovskaya narcissist man People nature Love and Family 16 May 2024Experts have explained why losers and henpecked husbands are least likely to become victims of abuse.
Igor Zur healthy relationships psychology of personality useful tips and life hacks behavior Love and Family 9 April 2024Daffodils are bright flowers that delight with their appearance in spring. But if you do not have your own country plot to grow your favorite flowers, then you can safely do it on the balcony. At home, such plants bloom perfectly.
Olga Kotova indoor flowers indoor plants plants growing Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 March 2024First of all, it is important to understand that narcissistic personality disorder is a real diagnosis made by a specialist.
Dmitry Liskovich self assessment psychology children and family parents and children Useful tips 15 January 2024Daffodils are beautiful and fragrant flowers that decorate gardens and flower beds in the spring. But in order for daffodils to delight you with abundant and long-lasting flowering, they need proper care and feeding.
Elena Gutyro flowers bloom top dressing fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 May 2023Every avid gardener sets aside a place on his plot for spring bulbous plants, which are among the first to fill the garden with beauty.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers now spring top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 April 2023Plants that are popular and loved by many gardeners may not be so harmless.
Elena Gutyro flowers plants danger Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 March 2023Over time, even the most luxurious daffodils can turn into pale semblances of their former selves.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers care bloom now Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2023One of the first spring flowers is daffodils.
Elena Gutyro flowers plants now top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 January 2023