Many people talk to their pets, but are very embarrassed about it. But there is nothing wrong with such a habit!
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Elena Shimanovskaya awkward questions questions communication People People and Events 23 March 2024Many people are used to making excuses to their family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances for their supposedly “wrong” lifestyle and for every action.
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Elena Shimanovskaya habits bad habits communication communication with people People and Events 20 February 2024Why do some people easily make friends and gain the trust of strangers, while others have difficulty communicating even with close people?
Elena Shimanovskaya communication communication with people rules of conversation how to conduct a conversation People and Events 19 February 2024The ability to start a conversation without being intrusive is not an innate talent, but an acquired skill.
Elena Shimanovskaya rules of conversation how to conduct a conversation conversation with a person how to start a conversation People and Events 19 February 2024Quite often we find ourselves in a situation where we become part of a conversation that is unpleasant for us.
Dmitry Liskovich unpleasant conversation psychology psychologists conversation with a person Useful tips 15 January 2024Most people rarely actually listen to each other, especially if it's a standard conversation about the weather.
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