5 reasons why a cat constantly asks for food.
Igor Zur nutrition health board treatment Pets 18 April 20235 Smartest Cat Breeds - Learn and Manipulate Owner's Emotions
Igor Zur breed intelligence research entertainment Pets 18 April 2023British scientists have proven that cats do not miss their owners when they go to work.
Igor Zur habits mistakes research pets Pets 18 April 2023You've probably wondered why cats treat everything like a punching bag. Do they get angry? Do they think it's funny? Will they ever stop doing it?
Elena Gutyro cats pets behavior Pets 18 April 2023We explain what this behavior of your pet means.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 18 April 2023Cats are known to be picky eaters, but there are still many foods that they will happily eat as treats.
Elena Gutyro cats pets nutrition Pets 18 April 2023We'll tell you why cats are attracted to their owners' hair.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 18 April 2023If a cat suddenly starts to ignore its owner, then there is a reasonable explanation for this.
Marina Michalap animals science behavior board Pets 17 April 2023Why it is better not to feed domestic cats raw eggs.
Igor Zur nutrition health diet board Pets 17 April 2023The preferences of our four-legged friends sometimes seem a little... unusual to us, their owners.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats scent smells pets Pets 17 April 2023What you need to think about before taking your cat or dog to the country.
Igor Zur dogs pliers diseases vaccination Pets 17 April 2023The cat sleeps on the owner's stomach because it simply enjoys the sound of the beating heart and the lulling rocking motion.
Igor Zur rest research diseases pets Pets 17 April 2023Not Just Health - What Else to Consider Before Getting a Pet
Igor Zur pets health psychologists finance Pets 17 April 2023How many restrictions can be set for a cat living in the house, and how to properly raise it.
Igor Zur upbringing board the rules pet Pets 17 April 2023The difference between a domesticated animal and a wild one is that man has instilled in it certain qualities necessary for certain purposes. But this does not mean that the instincts characteristic of a wild animal have disappeared.
Elena Gutyro cats pets animals upbringing behavior Pets 17 April 2023Before a kitten appears in the house, you will have to acquire many things to ensure its comfort and safety.
Elena Gutyro cats animals pets purchase things Pets 17 April 2023If your pet always purred happily, but then suddenly stopped, this is a serious cause for concern.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 16 April 2023Many pet owners whose diet consists exclusively of plant foods strive to accustom their pets to it as well.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats animals pets food vegetarianism Pets 16 April 2023It's funny to watch a cat tremble with its entire body, move its paws, meow and even growl sometimes in its sleep. But is this condition always safe for your pet?
Elena Gutyro cats animals pets dreams movement danger Pets 16 April 2023A cat climbs onto its owner's chest or stomach not just because it wants to.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 15 April 2023