When you have a cold, it is important to eat right. This will strengthen your body and help it fight viruses faster.
Olga Kotova products nutrition health Beauty and health 19 January 2023If you want to overcome a cold faster, then you should pay attention to raspberries, ginger, garlic, onions and some other foods.
Marina Michalap science health board food products Beauty and health 16 January 2023Ginger is a unique product that has a warming effect and is also considered an antibacterial agent. But does it help with flu and acute respiratory viral infections?
Olga Kotova ginger benefit harm health Beauty and health 10 January 2023If you don’t want to get sick during the cold season, then you should introduce healthy foods into your regular diet.
Marina Michalap science health board food products Beauty and health 6 January 2023