Summer residents were told what to sow in the garden bed after winter garlic this year and next year.
Igor Zur country house garlic harvest green manure beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 July 2024Summer residents were told how to properly prune plants damaged by hail and what they can be fed with after bad weather.
Igor Zur garden and harvest precipitation beds in the garden top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 July 2024Attract natural enemies of aphids - this method of control does not require costs and is absolutely safe for the environment.
Igor Zur summer cottage pest control tricks plant care Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 July 2024Summer residents were told which day of the week from July 8 to 14 is best to avoid working with plants.
Igor Zur lunar calendar summer cottage beds in the garden pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 July 2024Summer residents were reminded how to care for cucumbers in a greenhouse in hot weather.
Igor Zur mistakes use of fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 July 2024Proper feeding during this period can be the key to obtaining a rich harvest that will exceed all expectations of even the most experienced gardeners.
Igor Zur harvest top dressing mineral fertilizers potatoes Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024The fastest and most effective way to control raspberry pests is to use chemical insecticides.
Igor Zur raspberry care pest control increasing crop yields processing Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024Removing excess leaves from tomatoes is not just an aesthetic procedure.
Igor Zur increasing crop yields growing tomatoes plant care beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024Summer residents were reminded how to properly harvest winter garlic.
Igor Zur garlic harvest winter garlic beds in the garden soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024Summer residents were told which crops can and cannot be planted in the garden after harvesting winter garlic.
Igor Zur winter garlic crop rotation green manure beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 July 2024Summer residents were told the whole truth about the consequences of improper use of mineral and organic fertilizers.
Igor Zur use of fertilizers acidic soil summer resident mistakes harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 July 2024Summer residents were reminded what and when to feed watermelons in the summer.
Igor Zur summer cottage top dressing increasing crop yields mineral fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 July 2024A simple remedy for ants and leeches - does not harm the crop.
Igor Zur harvest pest control summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 June 2024After prolonged rains, the beds need to be treated against diseases and pests and fertilized.
Igor Zur torrential rains beds in the garden fertilization gardening Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 June 2024How to feed cucumbers with potassium humate - summer residents are promised an unprecedented harvest.
Igor Zur fertilization increasing the yield of cucumbers tricks bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 June 2024Summer residents were reminded how to properly save plants in the garden in hot weather.
Igor Zur wound summer cottage beds in the garden plant care Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 June 2024Favorite recipes for feeding watermelons have been named among summer residents - folk recipes.
Igor Zur top dressing increasing crop yields summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 June 2024What organic or mineral fertilizers should be used to feed cabbage at the end of June?
Igor Zur how to feed cabbage mineral fertilizers natural fertilizers increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 June 2024Summer residents were told what greens can be safely grown several times in one season.
Igor Zur green sowing summer cottage beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 June 2024Summer residents were reminded of the main rules for caring for peppers so that they do not shed flowers and ovaries.
Igor Zur how to grow peppers country house increasing crop yields fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 June 2024