Why okroshka with kvass is considered not the healthiest.
Igor Zur proper nutrition okroshka kefir mineral water Diets 7 July 2024A nutritionist told how much kvass you can drink per day and who should avoid it.
Igor Zur harm of sugar harmful drinks Dietitian's advice maintain health Diets 6 July 2024Classic okroshka recipe - how to cook and what ingredients are unnecessary.
Igor Zur okroshka cooking Chef's Tips cooking ideas kitchen Cooking 23 May 2024There are many recipes for kvass, and one of them – simple and tasty – does not require the use of yeast.
Elena Shimanovskaya how to make kvass recipe drink Cooking 23 April 2024Real kvass should taste invigorating and refreshing – unfortunately, not all drinks from the store meet this “requirement”.
Elena Shimanovskaya how to make kvass drink Cooking 1 April 2024