Many people chase after various trendy diets, hoping that at least this time they will be able to lose weight.
In 90% of cases, it doesn't work. The reasons are different: it doesn't suit the individual, the body's characteristics that don't accept restrictions, failure to follow the rules, etc.
But why do what most people do? Just remember how slim and fit our ancestors were in ancient times.

Ancient miracle kvass
They weren't chasing diets. In fact, they didn't do anything in terms of artificial restrictions.
But they drank something. Tasty and extremely healthy. They drank and sipped and sold off the extra kilos.
Forgotten, alas, covered by the oblivion of centuries. Let's try to remember. For example, oat kvass.
It was highly valued by our ancestors. And scientists have discovered its “magic” property – the ability to reduce weight and speed up metabolism.
Easy to prepare at home without any yeast.
You need to drink it for two weeks. After this period, digestion will noticeably improve, and extra kilos will disappear.
And, interestingly, you can continue to eat as you are used to, you will still lose weight. In a month - a few kilos.
You won't believe your eyes when you look in the mirror after some time.
How to cook
So, here's what you need to prepare this wonderful kvass.
For a 3-liter jar you will need half a kilo of oats or oat flakes.
First, let's wash them, put them in a jar, and fill them with boiled water.
Let's start the fermentation process by adding about 3 tablespoons of sugar.
Next, we tie the neck of the jar with gauze and leave the product in this form for two days.
Once 48 hours have passed, let's see: a film should appear on the surface of the oat kvass - a signal that the drink is ready.
Drain and drink one glass half an hour before meals.