It is difficult to name the reasons for nightmares.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family child dreams board Children 21 October 2023With one simple method you can raise a thinking child.
Marina Michalap children and family intelligence upbringing board Children 20 October 2023Children often show stubbornness, refusing to fulfill this or that request of their parents.
Kurchev Anton child nature psychology tricks Children 20 October 2023A child will start washing his hands and brushing his teeth without any persuasion if his parents say one “magic phrase”.
Kurchev Anton child hygiene tricks words Children 20 October 2023When raising an extroverted child, there are three factors to consider.
Marina Michalap children and family psychology upbringing Children 19 October 2023Parents must make one important demand of their child.
Kurchev Anton child tears hysterics words Children 19 October 2023Sometimes mothers make mistakes with the portion size and put too much food on the child's plate. As a result, the baby eats only part of the soup or porridge.
Kurchev Anton children and family food folk signs problems People and Events 19 October 2023Parents of obedient children should not rejoice too soon: this approach to upbringing has its own very noticeable drawbacks.
Marina Michalap children and family psychology upbringing board Children 18 October 2023The baby's character will change for the worse.
Kurchev Anton child upbringing praise error Children 18 October 2023Not everyone knows what causes a child's increased desire to talk.
Marina Michalap children and family psychology behavior upbringing Children 17 October 2023Many parents are at a loss when their children start screaming and crying. Moms and dads do not know how to act correctly in such a situation, so they make gross mistakes.
Kurchev Anton child hysterics words board Children 17 October 2023Not everyone knows why children do not want to strive for knowledge, so it is necessary to correctly establish the reason.
Marina Michalap children and family studies board psychology Children 16 October 2023Sometimes conflicts happen even in the strongest and most friendly families. A wife can quarrel with her husband, and a parent - with a child.
Kurchev Anton child words argument family Children 16 October 2023We tell you what you shouldn’t tell your children so as not to doom them to poverty.
Timur Khomichev children and family child upbringing Children 15 October 2023Every mother must explain two important points to her daughter.
Marina Michalap children and family girl psychology board Children 13 October 2023How do parents usually praise their child? They simply say "well done". But this is clearly not enough.
Kurchev Anton child communication words praise Children 13 October 2023In order to properly raise introverted children, parents should adhere to three simple rules.
Marina Michalap children and family psychology upbringing board Children 12 October 2023Being parents of several children is a great happiness. And yet such mothers and fathers have a hard time: sometimes they have to listen to the complaints of the little ones.
Kurchev Anton child upbringing the rules calendar Children 12 October 2023Almost all young parents face the same problems.
Marina Michalap children and family upbringing family psychology Children 11 October 2023Sometimes kids just snitch, act up, and exaggerate difficulties. But often, complaints from a child are completely justified.
Kurchev Anton child complaint communication words Children 11 October 2023