"Whose Day Is It Today?": An Interesting Trick for Parents Raising Several Children

12.10.2023 00:30

Being parents of several children is a great happiness.

And yet, such mothers and fathers have a hard time: sometimes they have to listen to the complaints of their children.

Thus, the child may come to the conclusion that the parents pay more attention to his brother or sister.

Such children's judgments rarely correspond to reality. Most often, mothers and fathers love all their children equally, but the child simply does not understand or does not notice this.

But it is worthwhile to ensure that parental care appears “evenly distributed” between children.

Photo: © Belnovosti

And it's very easy to do. Just use one trick.

The essence of the educational trick

Set aside "their" days for each child. For example, if there are three children in the family, then for the first one you can set aside Monday and Thursday. For the second one - Tuesday and Friday. And for the third one - Wednesday and Saturday.

The main thing is to distribute the days equally and explain the new rules to the children.

If the question arises: “Who will be the first to sit down at the computer (ride an attraction, try a sweet, etc.)?”, then the other children must give way to the child to whom the day is “dedicated”.

Is there a controversial situation? Ask the children right away: "Whose day is it today?" As a result, many conflict situations can be avoided.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief