There are things that children do not forgive their parents even as they grow older, psychologists warn.
Timur Khomichev children and family children and parents raising children mistakes in education Children 8 January 2024We talk about mistakes in parenting that can ruin the relationship between parents and children forever.
Timur Khomichev children and family children and parents raising children mistakes in education Love and Family 5 January 2024Always start an important conversation with the child's name.
Kurchev Anton child Name Advice to parents conversation with a child Children 28 December 2023When a child begins adulthood, he usually leaves home and tries to find his own place to live.
Dmitry Liskovich children and family finance parents and children modern children Children 24 December 2023Children are not always able or willing to talk about their experiences.
Dmitry Liskovich children and family influence children's behavior parental behavior Children 20 December 2023Some children often show obstinacy. They do not listen to their parents and refuse to fulfill their requests.
Kurchev Anton child raising children psychological trick words Children 16 December 2023How not to turn a family lunch or dinner into a real test for a child?
Kurchev Anton eating food Parents' mistakes child words Children 1 December 2023Many of us, as teenagers, did not listen to our parents' advice because we considered ourselves smarter or simply did not attach any importance to it.
Dmitry Liskovich parents and children modern children board experience Useful tips 30 November 2023Modern children may face three difficulties.
Marina Michalap modern children raising children family relationships psychology Children 29 November 2023Not all children are active, sociable and self-confident. Some boys and girls are shy and silent.
Kurchev Anton raising children character traits child board Children 29 November 2023There are some valuable lessons children should learn from their families.
Marina Michalap raising children family psychology child development board Children 28 November 2023Even quite wealthy parents can “program” their child for poverty by constantly uttering certain phrases.
Timur Khomichev children and family upbringing board Children 25 November 2023A small child can get upset over any trifle. Parents of a child whose mood has worsened also have a hard time.
Kurchev Anton child behavior emotions words Children 25 November 2023Not everyone knows how to choose the right movie to watch with children.
Marina Michalap children and family movies upbringing board Children 24 November 2023Not everyone knows why it is worth spending time with children not only to discuss everyday issues.
Marina Michalap children and family upbringing psychology board Children 23 November 2023Avoiding the use of dangerous phrases is an important part of raising a girl.
Kurchev Anton child girl communication words Children 23 November 2023Not everyone knows why children sometimes do not feel gratitude towards their parents.
Marina Michalap children and family psychology upbringing board Children 22 November 2023By using this phrase, parents make a promise on behalf of their child.
Kurchev Anton child upbringing mistakes emotions Children 22 November 2023Punishment as an element of the educational process.
Valeria Kisternaya children and family board punishment upbringing Children 21 November 2023Some advice that parents give to their adult daughters can be harmful.
Marina Michalap family upbringing psychology children and family Children 21 November 2023