Children are not always able or willing to talk about their experiences.
But it is important for parents to understand the child’s emotional state.
How to learn to read body signals and recognize your baby’s mood?

Look into the eyes
The pupils are dilated - the child is excited. Narrowed - bored or sad. The gaze eludes - there is anxiety.
Listen to your breathing
Shallow, rapid breathing indicates anxiety. Even, deep breathing indicates calm.
Pay attention to your posture
A hunched back and drooping shoulders are a sign of depression. A relaxed posture is a comfortable state.
Watch your gestures
Rubbing your hands - nervousness. Arms crossed on your chest - closedness. Rocking - stress reduction.
Evaluate the tone of voice
A quiet voice can mean sadness. A raised tone shows irritation.
Hug your child
You can tell from the way your baby hugs you how relaxed and trusting he is.
Study facial emotions
A smile, pursed lips, frowning eyebrows - facial expressions won't deceive.
Listen to the intonation
Monotonous speech - apathy and boredom. Lively intonation - good mood.
Assess your appetite
Lack of appetite may signal problems.
Watch the game
In play, the child reveals his feelings. Aggressive play is a reason to be wary.
Delve into the emotional world of the child - and you will learn to understand him without words!
We previously wrote about how to influence spoiled children.