Gardeners were reminded why they should not water potatoes after flowering.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners watering potatoes mistakes of summer residents potato blight Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 July 2024Summer residents were told what additives to use during the period of ripening of tomatoes in the beds.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing tomatoes natural fertilizer mineral fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 July 2024Experienced gardeners told why and how to properly prune tomatoes in July.
Igor Zur growing tomatoes tips for gardeners pruning summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 July 2024Summer residents claim that using baking soda and boric acid, you can grow cabbage up to 8 kg.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents cabbage feeding life hacks with soda fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 July 2024A skillful combination of crops not only saves space on the plot, but also promotes mutual improvement of growth, protection from pests and diseases, and increased yield.
Igor Zur strawberries at the dacha advice for summer residents neighborhood tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 July 2024Summer residents were told when to prune raspberries and why it makes no sense to wait until late autumn.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents pruning raspberries plant care summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 July 2024Summer residents were told why they should feed strawberries if there will be no more berries.
Igor Zur growing strawberries strawberry fertilizer advice for summer residents natural fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 July 2024The use of metal objects to improve plant growth has been known since ancient times.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents fruit trees life hacks summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024The fastest and most effective way to control raspberry pests is to use chemical insecticides.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners raspberry care pest control processing Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024Removing excess leaves from tomatoes is not just an aesthetic procedure.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing tomatoes plant care beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024Summer residents were reminded what and when to feed watermelons in the summer.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners summer cottage top dressing mineral fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 July 2024Summer residents were reminded of the importance of choosing a place to plant currants.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing currants mistakes country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 July 2024Summer residents were told about a simple fertilizer that improves the quality and quantity of the pea harvest.
Igor Zur top dressing pea advice for summer residents ammonia Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 June 2024Favorite recipes for feeding watermelons have been named among summer residents - folk recipes.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners top dressing summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 June 2024What organic or mineral fertilizers should be used to feed cabbage at the end of June?
Igor Zur tips for gardeners how to feed cabbage mineral fertilizers natural fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 June 2024Summer residents were reminded of the main rules for caring for peppers so that they do not shed flowers and ovaries.
Igor Zur how to grow peppers tips for gardeners country house fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 June 2024What additives should be added to cherry trees in the summer to prolong fruiting and increase yield.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents green manure mineral fertilizers summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 June 2024Summer residents were told about the technique of watering tomatoes in hot weather.
Igor Zur watering schedule Tomato Care tips for gardeners summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 June 2024To preserve the harvest, it is necessary to follow several important rules for caring for strawberries in high temperature conditions.
Igor Zur strawberry care summer cottage strawberries at the dacha advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 June 2024Summer residents were reminded about treating eggplants against fungal diseases and pests.
Igor Zur beds in the garden eggplant treatment for diseases pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 June 2024