It would seem that you are doing everything right – you chose a ripe avocado, removed the pit, washed and dried the bean, and then stuck it into the ground with the pointed end up.
Elena Shimanovskaya avocado mistakes a plant Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 November 2023Not all plants are suitable for growing indoors. Fortunately, this does not apply to lemon balm.
Elena Shimanovskaya a plant windowsill care aroma Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 November 2023If tomato seedlings stretch out, ficus loses leaves, and hibiscus does not bloom, there is only one reason - lack of light.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling plants lighting Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 November 2023To harvest large and healthy winter garlic from your plot, you will have to work hard.
Elena Shimanovskaya garlic vegetables beds Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 November 2023The technology of planting potatoes, which is actively used in China, is very different from that adopted here.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato vegetables garden harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 October 2023Despite the capricious nature of the peach, some gardeners manage to collect impressive harvests from the tree, even when grown in areas with moderately frosty winters.
Elena Shimanovskaya peaches now tree fruits Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 October 2023For those new to the gardening “art”, it will probably be surprising to learn that there are a great many ways to plant potatoes.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato potatoes vegetables Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 October 2023A trellis, or, simply put, a vertical lattice, is an indispensable thing for growing various climbing plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers vegetables plants choice purchase Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 October 2023If you want to enjoy the truly luxurious flowering of one of the most “autumnal” flowers – phloxes – for as long as possible, do not forget that they require careful care.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants care bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 October 2023When the autumn cold and slush come, the desire to work in the damp and cold ground completely disappears.
Elena Shimanovskaya garden vegetables autumn mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 October 2023To answer the question of whether annual digging of tulip bulbs is mandatory, we first need to delve a little into the theory of the problem under consideration.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers a plant bloom care Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 October 2023If you are “fired up” by the idea of creating a hedge on your property, do not rush to go to the seedling store.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants choice options care Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 October 2023How you cover strawberries for the winter will determine how the plants will survive the winter and, of course, the harvest next season.
Elena Shimanovskaya strawberry berries harvest mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 October 2023Only summer residents who have been growing sweet peppers on their plots for several years know that this crop can produce a harvest even with the onset of winter.
Elena Shimanovskaya pepper vegetables garden harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 October 2023In order to get a decent harvest after sowing onion sets in winter, it is worth not only preparing the beds by adding fertilizers to them, but also processing the planting material itself.
Elena Shimanovskaya vegetables garden landing Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 October 2023Autumn is the best time to take care of the spring bloom of the garden by planting crocuses, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari, anemones and other bulbous plants in the flower beds laid out in front of the house.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants landing bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 September 2023In modern stores with goods for the garden, gardeners and vegetable growers have a lot to offer: a truly impressive range of seeds is presented here, including beets.
Elena Shimanovskaya beet vegetables harvest garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 September 2023Any summer resident would like the beets on his plot to grow large and juicy.
Elena Shimanovskaya beet vegetables garden harvest reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 September 2023In caring for hosta, oddly enough, there are many controversial points. One of them concerns the autumn pruning of this plant.
Elena Shimanovskaya a plant autumn care flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 September 2023It would seem that the cucumber seeds thrown into the ground have successfully hatched and sprouted, the plant is developing at full speed, blooming and has already formed the first ovaries...
Elena Shimanovskaya cucumbers vegetables harvest reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 September 2023